Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Draft Report: 11th Session Provisional Agenda - Special Theme "Doctrine of Discovery'

United Nations
Economic and Social Council
Distr.: Limited  25 May 2011
Original: English
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Tenth session
New York, 16-27 May 2011            

Draft report
Rapporteur: Ms. Paimaneh Hasteh

Chapter I
Matters calling for action by the Economic and Social Council or brought to its attention

Draft decisions recommended by the Permanent Forum for adoption by the Council
The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues recommends to the Economic and Social Council the adoption of the following draft decisions:

Draft decision I
International expert group meeting on the theme “Combating violence against indigenous women and girls: article 22 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”

The Economic and Social Council decides to authorize a three-day international expert group meeting on the theme “Combating violence against indigenous women and girls: article 22 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples”, and requests that the results of the meeting be reported to the Permanent Forum at its eleventh session, to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session and to the Commission on the Status of Women at its fifty-sixth session in 2012.

Draft decision II
Venue and dates of the eleventh session of the Permanent Forum

The Economic and Social Council decides that the eleventh session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues shall be held at United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 7 to 18 May 2012.

Draft decision III
Provisional agenda for the eleventh session of the Permanent Forum

The Economic and Social Council approves the following provisional agenda for the eleventh session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues:

1. Election of officers.
2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work.

3. Discussion on the special theme for the year: “The Doctrine of Discovery: its enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests (articles 28 and 37 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples)”.

4. Human rights:
(a) Implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
(b) Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Chair of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

5. Comprehensive dialogue with United Nations agencies and funds.

6. Half-day discussion on the right to food and food sovereignty.

7. Half-day discussion on the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.

8. Half-day discussion on Central and Eastern Europe, the Russian Federation, Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

9. Future work of the Permanent Forum, including issues of the Economic and Social Council and emerging issues.

10. Draft agenda for the twelfth session of the Permanent Forum.

11. Adoption of the report of the Permanent Forum on its eleventh session.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mandate of the Indigenous Peoples - Spring 2003

El Viento de Aztlan
Primavera   Xihuitl  Nahui  Acatl   Spring

Mandate of the Indigenous Peoples

“All peoples have the right to self determination.”  These are the words of United Nations General Assembly resolution 1514, passed on December 14, 1960, in the wake of the cresting global movement to declare colonization a crime against humanity, a violation of the international law of nation states.

The declaration of colonization as a violation of international law for the first time in the context of the United Nations system, placed the government states who were in violation under the scrutiny of the General Assembly, and procedures were put in place to identify criteria that would specifically describe the Non-Self-Governing Territories under colonization and also establish a reporting system for the violating government states.

From the same resolution, GA 1514:
The General Assembly,
Solemnly proclaims the necessity of bringing to speedy and unconditional end colonialism in all its forms and manifestations…

For over 3,500 years our relatives have been contending with colonization under the Aryan philosophy of racial and cultural superiority in their traditional territories, ever since even before they were invaded by Alexander the Great.  They also, like we native nations of this continent are mistakenly called Indians. They call themselves the ADIVASI, one of the Indigenous Peoples of the Indian subcontinent. Along with the Adivasi, the Maori of Aotearoa (AKA New Zealand), the multiple and diverse Indigenous Nations from the former Soviet Union, the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, the Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, Indigenous Peoples of the Southeast Asian Peninsula as well as the Mainland, we joined as the Indigenous Nations of Abya Yala (AKA the Americas), Africa, Europe and Australia to witness and strengthen the global political position of the Indigenous Peoples upon the inauguration of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, May 13, 2002 in New York.

The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is a 16 member body of independent experts, eight of whom are nominated by the government states, and eight nominated by the Indigenous Peoples themselves in a process that reflects 7 geo-cultural regions of the world with one rotating seat. Established as an advisory body to the Economic and Social Council, the Permanent Forum creates for the first time within the global system of governance that is the United Nations, a vehicle by which the Indigenous Peoples and Nations can represent their interests directly to the UN. The inaugural session of the Permanent Forum was opened by the Tadodaho (traditional chief) from Onandaga, guardians of the Grand Council Fire of the Haudenosaunee Six Nations Iroquois Confederacy, upon whose traditional territories the UN building itself stands.  Among the Xicanos of Aztlan, there exists an especially strong tie of culture and kinship with the Haudenosaunee that goes back to the Wounded Knee conflict of 1973, and further still to Mad Bear Anderson's continental Unity Caravan under the White Roots of Peace and the initiative he led to Cuba, attempting to achieve international recognition for the Haudenosaunee passport and nationality on a par with those of the US or any other government state. More profoundly, among the archives of traditional memory of the Tezcatlipoca Aztlan, there exists the teaching of relations between the founder of the Six Nations Confederacy, called the Peacekeeper, and the disciples of the teachings of Quetzalcoatl Ce Acatl in Mexico.

As the first week of the Permanent Forum drew to a close, a sense of urgency and acknowledgment united the indigenous representatives at the UN.  The Indigenous Peoples - our nations, communities, and families are on the front line of the assault being systematically waged as the global multinational corporate structure voraciously extracts natural resources and spews contamination in order to maintain industrial dominance of the current consumer market model of economic globalization. At the Permanent Forum, the Indigenous Nations testified repeatedly that time is running out to rectify the relationship of the human society globally in order to achieve sustainability within the natural ecosystems of the Earth.  It will soon be too late for words, too late to reverse the effects of the petroleum based industrial model that has pushed the world into the scenario of what will inevitably be the terrible effects of global warming, environmental degradation, and deforestation.

Among the Indigenous Caucus convened at the UN in New York, it has also become mutually acknowledged and reinforced at each international conference where the Indigenous Peoples are in attendance, that the Indigenous Peoples worldwide are the best hope as a strategic political bloc with global context, history, and coherence that is not controlled by the fractured allegiances or ideologies of the nation state paradigm, nor captured by the values of the multinational corporate regime of global resource expropriation.  At the core of this mutual acknowledgment is an appreciation for the spirituality of the ancient and diverse Indigenous Peoples as caretakers of the Earth.  This enduring foundation has provided the precept of a planetary constitution that describes the Indigenous Nations and Peoples as a global confederation of families, communities, organizations, nations, and Nations of Nations in alliance. In this hemisphere, this precept is known as the prophecy of the Eagle and the Condor.

When Pope Alexander the VI, himself a member of the infamous Borgia family, issued the Papal Bull Inter Cetera on May 3-4,1493 the precursor estates that have led to the present colonial nation state formation on this continent were given their empowerment in terms of the international legal system of the so called “West.”  It was under the jurisprudence of this international decree, clothed in the religious authority of the Vatican, that the colonization, terracide and genocide of this hemisphere acquired its initial justification as a civilized action, again in terms of the “West”, and specifically for the representative political powers of the time: the royal families of Spain and Portugal. Under this edict, the geographical fact of discovery was tied to the politico-religious act of dominion implemented with exclusivity in favor of the European American invaders.  This Papal Bull has never been officially abrogated or annulled and remains in effect.

The New World was such for the West not just in the geographical sense, it was new and revolutionary in the fact that the Indigenous Peoples social contract that gave context to the political infrastructure of the culture emanated through a spirituality appreciative of the elemental forces of nature, in which there was no concept of things outside of nature or “supernatural.”  Nor was the human society given preference or exclusivity as the being the dominant personality of society, which included the other life forms of winged, crawling, swimming, etc., creatures in the natural world order.  It was these egalitarian political precepts that upon arrival in the Europe of the 1500’s, gave germination to the revolutions of liberation which eventually toppled the rule by royalty in this hemisphere, and gave birth to the modern republic-states presently internationally recognized and in status as members of the UN.  

In the transition, however, from colony to republic, not one of the newly formed nation states of the hemisphere has revoked the initial claim to jurisdiction established under the Papal Bull of 1493. 

In fact, although the UN General Assembly resolution 1514 proclaims colonization as a violation of international law, and the criteria and protocols for decolonization clearly are relevant and should be applied to the indigenous nation territories, a Doctrine of Denial and complicity exists among the government states of the western hemisphere to block implementation by the Indigenous Nations and Peoples to the right to decolonization.  In other words, the processes of decolonization applied after World War II to the African continent and other colonial territories is not to be repeated or made inclusive of the Indigenous Peoples.  To accomplish this duplicity, the government states of the United Nation systems have refused to accede to identifying the Indigenous Peoples as Peoples, referring to us as "indigenous populations" only or in the singular as “indigenous people” thus precluding the right to self determination and collective rights within the global matrix which is the established international legal system of the so called “civilized world.”

Specific to North, South and Central America, the OAS government states of the continent have colluded to enforce the Doctrine of Denial under the international legal system and the United Nations, within which these governments are recognized as "indigenous to the hemisphere" thus shielding them collectively as violators of UN General Assembly Resolution 1514.

The call for a permanent forum within the United Nations system for Indigenous Peoples derives from the historical resistance movement of the Indigenous Peoples and Nations worldwide to colonization.  In the implementation, the UN has established within the Economic and Social Council the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The concept of a forum is a description of social space, wherein a dialogue is possible.  Any true dialogue requires a minimum of two perspectives, a dynamic of duality must be present at all phases of the process, including planning, implementation, and evaluation. Within the diplomatic language of the international system, unless the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is to be simply a disempowering token exercise for the Indigenous Peoples, there must be recognition from the start that the Permanent Forum operates under a Dual Mandate.

We have arrived at the moment in history of the world where a dialogue among civilizations and world views is necessary at the global level.  Only so will the hope for Peace and Dignity with justice for our human society survive, established through a sustainable ecological relationship to the Mother Earth itself as foundation.

This is the Mandate of the Indigenous Peoples; it supersedes that of the United Nations system; it is an expression of the jurisprudence of indigenous international law: it is the path of Tradition and Liberation.

Embassy of Indigenous Peoples
Contact: Tupac Enrique Acosta, Yaotachcauh
Tel: (602) 254-5230


UNPFII 5, 2006: Proclamación Continental Abya Yala

Proclamación Continental
Abya Yala
Foro Permanente de Cuestiones Indígenas
Quinto Periodo de Sesiones   15-26 de Mayo, 2006
Naciones Unidas  NY, NY

Recordando la memoria, el esfuerzo y espíritu de nuestros ancestros de los Pueblos Milenarios, los que han dado originación a nuestros Naciones y Pueblos Indigenas del Continente Abya Yala;
Retomando el poder de nuestro destino como Pueblos de la Humanidad;

En salvaguardia de los Derechos de las Futuras Generaciones de Nuestros Pueblos Indígenas;

Invocando los Mandatos Ancestrales de nuestra Confederación Continental del Águila y el Cóndor, y las pronunciaciones al respecto tomados en Cumbre Continental Indígena en Quito, Ecuador 2004 y en Mar de Plata, Argentina 2005;


Al presentarnos como Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas de Nuestro Continente Abya Yala frente esta quinta periodo de sesiones del Foro Permanente de Cuestiones Indígenas de las Naciones Unidas, y al haber ser recibo como tal por sus autoridades convocantes en el salón de Asamblea General,

Que la Bula Papal Inter Caetera de Papa Alejando Sexto 1493 es NULLIFICADO, también igual cualquier Doctrina de Descubrimiento procedente que pretende deformar la relación de Armonía, Justicia, y la Paz de Nuestros Pueblos Indígenas de la Humanidad entera.

18 de mayo, 2006


II Cumbre Comtinental de Pueblos y Naciones Indígenas Abya Yala
Territorio Kito Kara
Quito, Ecuador Julio 21-25, 2004

Resolución para Acción Presentado a la Plenaria
Entregado por: Tlahtokan Nahuacalli, Izkalotlan Pueblo, Aztlan

Tema: Un Llamado por un Tribunal de Justicia, por toda la Humanidad, en la Corte de los Pueblos Indígenas de Abya Yala, para hacer juicio en la cuestión de la Doctrina de Descubrimiento de las Americas, específicamente la colonización y genocidio actual perpetrado bajo la autorización intelectual de la Bula INTER CETERA del Papa Alejandro VI, 1493.

Accion: Hacemos un llamado por un tribunal permanente de justicia en todos niveles de la sociedad global, para hacer juicio en la cuestión, desde el contexto histórico y legal de la justicia universal en concordancia con la jurisprudencia de los Pueblos Indígenas.


Ginebra, agosto 1 de 1991
Señor Jefe de Estado Vaticano
Papa Juan Pablo II
Roma, Italia.

Los delegados indígenas presentes en el Palacio de las Naciones en Ginebra, Suiza, debatiendo la Declaración Universal de los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas convocados por el "Grupo de Trabajo sobre Pueblos Indígenas" de las Naciones Unidas, por este medio nos presentamos y declaramos:

En vista que en los días 3 y 4 de mayo de 1493, el Papa Alejandro VI emitió la Bula ÍNTER CETERA, por la que concede territorios de los Pueblos Indígenas en el caso de ABYA YALA América") y otras partes del Mundo, sin el CONSENTIMIENTO INDÍGENA ni el Derecho de Gentes, tanto en el plano espiritual como en el material;

En salvaguarda de los sagrados derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, la dignidad humana y la armonía que debe reinar entre nosotros los humanos en este Planeta,

Por todos estos propósitos:
1) DEMANDAMOS al Estado del Vaticano, denunciando el tratado unilateral del Papa Alejandro VI (TORDESILLAS), por ser contrario a los Derecho Humanos Universales.

2} Que el año 1993 se cumplen 500 años de una supuesta conquista espiritual y sin que se verifique fehacientemente una rectificación de esta injusticia universal, donde permita recuperar la armonía con el respeto humano de los Pueblos Indígenas y reparar el genocidio y etnocidio cometido por los Estados que recibieron los beneficios de la herencia del Papa Alejandro VI, exigimos que se derogue la Bula ÍNTER CETERA de 3 y 4 de mayo de 1493.

3) Que Juan Pablo II debe atenerse a la validez universal del concepto de Justicia distributive incluyendo los Pueblos Indígenas con sus derechos espirituales y materiales, en pos de la vida y de los seres humanos en armonía con nuestra Madre Tierra y la Paz Espiritual con el Sumo Hacedor, de las cosmovisiones de cada uno de nuestros Pueblos Indígenas, libres de toda opresión.

Que así lo exigimos en nombre do la Dignidad Humana en armonía con nuestra Madre Naturaleza y en el Espíritu de la Verdad.


Los delegados indígenas y sus organizaciones.


Acciones de Implementación
Cumbre Continental Indígena
Mar de Plata, Argentina 2-3-4 de Noviembre, 2005


ACCION: Impulsar las Iniciativas de DESCOLONIZACION, al nivel del continente Abya Yala, obligatorios por los procedimientos de la ley internacional indicados por las resoluciones de la Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas 1514 y 1541 entre otros.


ACCION:  Que se comprometen las organizaciones del sector de la sociedad civil a respaldar la campaña mundial por el derogue de la Bula Papal Inter Cetera de 1493. (La Doctrina de Descubrimiento)


ACCION: Clarificación Histórica

La Cumbre Indígena Continental Mar de Plata 2005 es la continuación de un proceso y tradición milenaria de Unión Continental, La Confederación del Águila y el Cóndor, que dio inicio en Quito, Ecuador en 1990, en el Primer Encuentro Continental Indígena, con seguimiento en el año 1993 en el Segundo Encuentro Continental Indígena de Temoaya, México.  Estos dos encuentros continentales sirvieron de base para La Primera Cumbre Internacional Indígena de Teotihuacan México, 2000 la cual realizó su continuidad en la Segunda Cumbre Continental Abya Yala de Quito Ecuador en al año 2004.

Que se proclama desde esta Cumbre Continental Indígena un llamado para el LEVANTAMIENTO CULTURAL de los Pueblos Indígenas urbanos al nivel continente, de acuerdo con los principios de la Declaración de Mar de Plata 2005.

Embajada de Pueblos Indígenas
Tel: (602) 254-5230
P.O. Box 24009 Phoenix, AZ 85074
Email: chantlaca@tonatierra.org

Sunday, May 29, 2011

UNPFII 5, 2006: Continental Proclamation Abya Yala

Continental Proclamation
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Fifth Period of Sessions  May 15- 26, 2006
United Nations   NY, NY

Recalling the memory, will and spirit of our ancestors of time immemorial, they who gave origination to we the Indigenous Nations of the Continent Abya Yala,

Reclaiming the power of destiny as Peoples of  Humanity,

In safeguard of the Rights of the Future Generations of our Nations of Indigenous Peoples,

Invoking the ancestral mandates of our Continental Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor, and the respective pronunciations ratified in Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples in Quito, Ecuador 2004, and in Mar de Plata, Argentina 2005,


Presenting ourselves as Nations of the Indigenous Peoples of our continent Abya Yala before this Fifth Period of Sessions of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues of the United Nations, and upon being received as such by the convoking authorities on the floor of the General Assembly,

That the Papal Bull Inter Caetera of Pope Alexander VI is hereby ANNULLED, as well as whatever Doctrine of Discovery proceeding from which that pretends to deform the relationship of Harmony, Justice, and Peace of we the Indigenous Peoples of Humanity in its entirety.

May 18, 2006

II Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nations Abya Yala
Kito Kara Territories
Quito, Ecuador July 21-25, 2004

Resolution for Action Presented to Plenary Session
Submitted by: Tlahtokan Nahuacalli, Izkalotlan Pueblo, Aztlan

Issue: Call for Tribunal of Justice, by all Humanity, in the Court of the Indigenous Peoples Abya Yala regarding the Doctrine of Discovery of the Americas, specifically the ongoing colonization and genocide perpetrated with the guise of intellectual authorization of the Papal Bull INTER CAETERA of Pope Alexander VI, 1493.

Action: We call for a permanent tribunal of justice at all levels of humanity across the globe, to address this issue in the historical and legal context of the universal principles of justice and jurisprudence of the Indigenous Peoples.

Geneva, August 1, 1991
Chief of State of the Vatican
Pope John Paul II
Rome, Italy

The indigenous delegates present at the Palace of Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, in debate regarding the Universal Declaration of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, convened by the "Working Group on Indigenous People" of the United Nations, hereby present and declare:

In view of the declaration on May 3, 4, 1493, of the Papal Bull INTER CETERA, by which territories of Indigenous Peoples are conceded to Spain and Portugal, without taking into account the material or spiritual rights of the Indigenous Peoples in the case of ABYA YALA (America) and other parts of the world;

In defence of the sacred rights of the indigenous people, and in promotion of human dignity and harmony that should reign among humanity on this planet;

For all these purposes:

1) We demand from the Vatican state a denunciation of the unilateral treaty of Pope Alexander VI (TORDESILLAS) as being contrary to the Universal Human Rights of Peoples.

2) Whereas the year 1993 completes 500 years of a supposed spiritual conquest without clear rectification of this universal injustice, allowing the nation-states that have benefited from the inheritance of Pope Alejandro VI to continue programmes of genocide and ethnocide, denying the indigenous people the recuperation of a harmony based on reciprocal human respect, we demand that the Papal Bull of May 3, 4, 1493 ÍNTER CETERA be annulled.

3) We direct John Paul II to accede to universal concepts of justice including the spiritual and material rights of Indigenous Peoples, in furtherance of life, harmony of human beings with our Sacred Mother Earth, and the spiritual peace of the Great Creator in accord with the cosmovision of each one of our Indigenous Peoples, free from all oppression. Thus we proclaim in the name of Human Dignity, in harmony with our Mother Nature and in the Spirit of Truth.

The indigenous delegates, and organizations.


Actions of Implementation

Continental Indigenous Summit
Mar de Plata, Argentina  November 2-3-4, 2005


The United Nations and the Organization of American States - OAS

ACTION: To implement the initiatives of DECOLONIZATION, at the dimension of our continent Abya Yala, obligated the procedures under international law indicated by resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly 1514 and 1541, among others.


ACTION:  To call for the commitment of support from the social justice movements of the continent for the global campaign of the Indigenous Peoples in demand of annulment of the Papal Bull Inter Cetera of 1493 (Doctrine of Discovery)

ISSUE:   CONTINENTAL UNION of Indigenous Nations

ACTION: Historical Clarification

The Continental Indigenous Summit Mar de Plata 2005 is the continuation of a process and millennial tradition of Continental Union of Indigenous Nations, the Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor, which was regenerated at Quito, Ecuador in 1990 at the First Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples.  The Second Continental Encounter of Indigenous Nations, Pueblos and Organizations was hosted in México at Temoaya, in 1993.  These two continental encounters served as the foundation for the First International Indigenous Summit realized at Teotihuacan, México in 2000.  The Second Continental Summit Abya Yala took place in 2004, once again at Quito, Ecuador.

ACTION:  Call to Cultural Uprising

It is proclaimed from this Continental Indigenous Summit a call for a movement of CULTURAL UPRISING by the Indigenous Peoples of all urban areas of the continent, in accord with the principles of the Declaration of Mar De Plata, 2005.

Embassy of the Indigenous Peoples
Tel: (602) 254-5230
P.O. Box 24009 Phoenix, AZ 85074
Email: chantlaca@tonatierra.org

Statement by Alvaro Pop, Independent Expert (English translation)

Agenda Item 9: Draft Agenda for the 11th Session
Second Intervention
Independent Expert

Madam President, Sirs and Madams, distinguished representatives,

Congratulations for the work done, the dialog displayed and intentions demonstrated by the fulfillment of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in this tenth session of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.

For the next meeting of experts, we have a special theme for the year - "the doctrine of discovery" - and we shall provide a focus that allows us to see the past, its impact, but mostly an analysis of the national constructs reflected in the present social and political pacts which are reflected in the national constitutions.

In this sense, our historical reflection will be especially relevant in terms of knowledge and discussion of the evolution of the national constitutions of our time.

National societies have shown their deep need for social and political pacts to realize the articulation of society, the recognition of history and especially the ability to vision goals of the near and distant future, in short: to create community. The idea of ​​the future agenda is to evaluate what progress has been realized related to this issue. It is to answer the question: What has been recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples in national constitutions? How have these constitutions been reformed to the benefit of these rights?

Madam President, Sirs and Madams, distinguished representatives,

It is very personally satisfying to recognize that the agenda of the next meeting will have challenges in the analysis of constitutional developments in the world; but addressing this process with the intention of improving the capacities of citizenship of indigenous peoples in constructing democracy and for improved human relations.

Thank you very much!

26/05/2011. 10:55.

Statement by Alvaro Pop, Independent Expert

Agenda Item 9: Draft Agenda for the 11th Session
Segunda intervención
Experto Independiente

Sra. Presidenta, Sres. y Sras representantes,

Felicitarnos por el trabajo realizado, el dialogo desplegado y las intenciones demostradas por el cumplimiento de la Declaración de los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en esta décima sesión del Foro Permanente de Asuntos Indígenas.
Para la siguiente reunión de expertos, tendremos un tema especial para el año "la doctrina del descubrimiento" y le daremos un enfoque que nos permita ver el pasado, su impacto, pero sobre todo realizar un análisis de las construcciones nacionales presentes reflejadas en los pactos sociales y políticos que son las Constituciones nacionales.

En ese sentido, nuestra reflexión sobre la historia tendrá especial relevancia en conocimiento y discusión sobre la evolución de las Constituciones Nacionales en nuestro tiempo.

Las sociedades nacionales han demostrado su profunda necesidad de realizar pactos sociales y políticos que permitan la articulación de su sociedad, el reconocimiento de su historia y sobre todo la capacidad de ver metas en su futuro próximo y lejano, en pocas palabras construir comunidad. La idea de la agenda futura es evaluar cuanto se ha avanzado en este asunto. Es contestar la pregunta: Cuanto se ha reconocido los derechos de los pueblos indígenas en las Constituciones Nacionales? Cuanto se ha reformado en beneficio de estos derechos?

Señora presidenta, Sres. y Sras representantes,

Es de mucha satisfacción para mi persona, reconocer que la agenda de la siguiente reunión tendrá desafíos importantes en el análisis de la evolución constitucional en el mundo; pero enfrentándolo con la intención de mejorar las capacidades ciudadanos de los pueblos indígenas en la construcción de la democracia y para mejores relaciones humanas.

Muchas gracias!!

26/05/2011. 10:55.

Statement by Megan Davis, UNPFII member - Agenda item 9: Draft Agenda for 11th Session

Agenda Item 9: Draft Agenda for the 11th Session of the Permanent Forum
Statement by Megan Davis, member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

I wanted to reiterate the comments of my colleague Alvaro Pop.

As you all know, we now have a significantly new composition of the Permanent Forum.

However, each of the members have a long history of involvement in the work ofadvancing Indigenous human rights in a broad range of issues as well as domestic and international venues.

At our recent, Permanent Forum pre-sessional meeting we discussed the theme for forthcoming eleventh session, which was identified as the Doctrine of Discovery: its enduring impact on indigenous peoples and the right to redress for past conquests (articles 28 and 37 of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples).

In regard to this proposed theme, the Permanent Forum members firmly agreed that we intend to be forward looking by emphasizing and re-defining the future of Indigenous and state relations and redress.

Such initiatives, consistent with the right of self-determination and couched in terms of increased Indigenous political participation in relation to constitutional, legislative, and domestic policy change, reconciliation, and all other methods to re-define Indigenous/State relations.

Such an approach is an equally important lens through which to understand the Doctrine of Discovery and our collective effort to develop a vision of the future for implementation of the UN Declaration, and our respective attempts to promote international peace and security for Indigenous peoples.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Closing Statement by Ms. Mirna Cunningham Kain, Chairperson


Closing Statement delivered by
Ms. Mirna Cunningham Kain,
Chairperson of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
27 May 20l1

Distinguished Members of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues,
Distinguished observers from Member States, Indigenous Peoples' Organizations, the lnter-
Governmental system, non-governmental organizations, the academia and the media, indigenous sisters and brothers.

We have come to the closing of the l0th session of the Permanent Forum for 201l. Each of the agenda items has provided important insights and I would like to highlight a few.

We started the session on a very positive note with the Secretary General who said to us
"Raise your voices here at this Forum and beyond. I will urge the world to listen."

Mr. Sha Zukang, the Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs and Coordinator of the Second Decade of the World's Indigenous Peoples said that while protecting and guaranteeing the rights of indigenous peoples have been significant challenge over the past decade, indigenous peoples' issues was now firmly on the global radar.

We heard from Ms Kimberly Teehee, the White House Senior Policy Advisor for Native American Affairs of the United States who made reference to the United States President Barack Obama announcing his Government's support for the UN Declaration on l6 December 2010.

We also heard from Ms Rebeca Grynspan, the Associate Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), said I-JNDP was working 10 promote indigenous rights more effectively by ensuring all its activities, were in line with the principles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as well as incorporating the principle of free and informed consent in its work with indigenous peoples.

The Agenda item on Human Rights continues to be an important area again at this session with many people signing up to the speaker's list.  We heard from Mr James Anaya, the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples who stated that the global consensus now stood behind the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and this should be celebrated.  However, its implementation remained a "constant challenge" and strong efforts were needed, nationally and internationally, to make its principles "alive in the reality on the ground" .

Mr José Carlos Morales, chair of the Human Rights Council's Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples also made a presentation.  Mr Musa Ngary Bitaye' Commissioner of the African Commission on Human and People's Rights also addressed the Forum.

The regional focus this year was on Central and South America and the Caribbean.  A panel of representative from indigenous peoples, organizations, UN agencies and the Government of Guyana made presentations.  The speakers made reference to uneven development and persistent socio-economic gaps suffered by indigenous peoples across the Latin America and on Caribbean region which undoubtedly stemmed from the historical wrongs committed indigenous peoples.  The strategic means for correcting those wrongs needed urgent revision.

During the discussion on the World Conference on Indigenous peoples' the Chef de Cabinet of the Office of the President of the General Assembly, said that the high level of participation at the tenth session of the Forum spoke not only to the importance of the promotion and protection of the rights of indigenous peoples in the overall united Nations context, but also to the shared commitment of multiple stakeholders to address the challenges that indigenous peoples faced around the world.  As you might be aware the idea of the World Conference resulted from a General Assembly resolution in December 2010, adopted by consensus and with a large number of co-sponsors.  We heard the Permanent Forum is expected to have a central role in providing input into the modalities of the Conference, as well as on its outcome on a later stage.

We also heard from a representative of the Division for Sustainable Development in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, on Rio+20 who stated the main entry point for indigenous peoples to interact with the preparatory process for the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development - or Rio+20 - was through the major groups.

During the interactive dialogue with UNICEF we heard that a strategic approach was urgently needed to address "disturbing" gaps between the world's richest and poorest children - in particular indigenous children.  Facing a "lifetime of exclusion", indigenous children were more likely to die before the age of five, less likely to be in school and more likely to drop out of school if they did attend.

During the dialogue, there were impassioned appeals from indigenous delegates relating the "tragic" situation of indigenous children and young people in their home countries.  Many pointed to shocking statistics that demonstrated poor health indicators, violence, high rates of suicide and prevalent discrimination that acted as a barrier to both education and political participation.  The situation was further exacerbated by a lack of reliable data, as well as the absence of a holistic, strategic approach to tackling the crisis, both at the national and international levels.

Durante el mediodía de discusión sobre el Derechos al Agua y los Pueblos indígenas, la Relatora Especial para el derecho al agua y al saneamiento de la ONU, la Sra. Catarina de Albuquerque, afirmó que los pueblos que no acceden al agua y al saneamiento son siempre los mismos que están marginalizados, los pobres y los que no tienen voz política.  Asimismo, resaltó que "como en el caso de la violación de tantos otros derechos humanos, los pueblos indígenas sufren desproporcionalmente violaciones de sus derechos al agua potable y saneamiento", y reafirmó que "la falta de acceso no es simplemente una situación fortuita o una coincidencia, sino que es un resultado directo de las políticas y de los políticos que excluyen algunos sectores de la población."

La Sra. Aicha Cheik Salah, de la organización Tidawt de Nigeria, resaltó la tensión entre el enfoque de los Estados frente a los derechos al Agua y la comprensi6n que tienen los pueblos indígenas sobre la misma.  "Cómo podemos legislar un recurso que se está moviendo constantemente?"  Las ideas, por ejemplo, que tienen los pueblos n6mades Toureg y Peulh del Sahara están basadas en las tradiciones orales y son diferentes de las del Estado.

Recordando el debate llevado a cabo cuando la Asamblea General adoptó la resolución en 2010 sobre el derecho al agua y saneamiento, el embajador Pablo Solón, representante de Bolivia frente a la ONU, remarcó que es irrelevante hablar de "derechos derivados" en la causa del agua ya que éste es un derecho del mismo nivel que los demás derechos. Citando la "guerra del agua" 2000 ocurrida en Cochabamba luchada en este país contra propuestas para privatizar el agua, el embajador resaltó que "seria un suicidio transitar por el camino de la privatización y la mercantilización del agua y otros recursos".

En el posterior debate, un gran numero de oradores expresaron su alarma sobre el incremento de ataques y conflictos en relación al agua, -lo que han llamado "aguacidio"- en vinculación con grandes proyectos como represas, industrias extractivas y procesos de privatización.  La beligerancia en contra de los recursos hídricos han puesto en riesgo la existencia de los pueblos indígenas, ya que se ha dicho que el acceso a dichos recursos está siendo limitado y bloqueado.

Durante esta semana hemos escuchado las ideas de diversos reportes y estudios realizados por miembros previos del Foro Permanente, enfatizando la realidad de los pueblos indígenas.  A través de estos reportes examinaron diversos temas, tales como: pueblos indígenas y corporaciones, diversos modelos de desarrollo de los pueblos indígenas, pueblos indígenas y bosques, el estado de implementación del tratado de acuerdo de Chittagong Hills de 1997, justicia criminal internacional y la defensa judicial de los pueblos indígenas, el régimen internacional hacia el acceso y el beneficio en la participación; al igual que el trabajo forzoso y el impacto de la crisis financiera en los pueblos indígenas.

Esta lOma sesión nos ha brindado nuevamente una oportunidad para escuchar y aprender uno de los otros.  Las discusiones llevadas a cabo la semana pasada, nos ayudaran enormemente a avanzar en los derechos humanos de los pueblos indígenas y temas a nivel internacional y esperamos también que a nivel nacional, regional y local.

Realmente, hemos tenido 2 semanas muy intensas y en ese sentido, quisiera primero agradecer a todos por su paciencia en llegar a los diferentes espacios de las Naciones Unidas para las plenarias y los eventos paralelos.  Yo sé que esto no ha sido una tarea fácil, debido a las remodelaciones que están llevándose a cabo en el edificio de Naciones Unidas.

Tenemos que recordar que viajamos desde muy lejos para poder asistir al Foro Permanente.  Por tanto, tenemos que usar el tiempo de manera constructiva.  Aunque los contratiempos pueden ser difíciles, al mismo tiempo tenemos que pensar en el valioso espacio que las Naciones Unidas proveen a nosotros como pueblos indígenas, para poder dialogar con los Estados, Agencias de Naciones Unidas y entre nosotros.  Desafortunadamente, para poder lograr esto, tenemos que seguir su protocolo.  Esto no quiere decir que debemos dejar de tratar de hacer cambios aquí. Necesitamos continuar minando el tiempo para lograr que este espacio sea verdaderamente nuestro.

Sólo tenemos dos semanas en el año para cubrir muchos de los problemas que nos afectan en nuestras comunidades. Durante las dos semanas del Foro Permanente, cada uno de nosotros desea transmitir lo que está sucediendo a nivel local, regional y nacional; y busca los mecanismos para transformar nuestras realidades haciendo uso de Ia Declaraci6n de las Naciones Unidas sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. En ese sentido, nuestros cónclaves y alianzas regionales y globales juegan un papel importante en el enriquecimiento de nuestros pensamientos y en la discusión sobre nuestros problemas con otros pueblos que viven situaciones similares.

Por ultimo, quisiera expresar mi gran satisfacción por la alta y efectiva participación de los jóvenes indígenas y de las mujeres indígenas.  Creo que nadie se ha quedado con dudas que las mujeres indígenas no podemos seguir siendo vistas como poblaciones vulnerables sino como sujetas de derecho, con voz propia y caminar fuerte.

La necesidad de que el diálogo entre las partes continúe en los países, es nuestro reto.  A pesar de escuchar problemas también escuchamos buenas prácticas y ahí están nuestras energías, en continuar caminando juntos por el cumplimiento de los derechos humanos.

Me gustaría dar las gracias a todos ustedes por sus intervenciones, sugerencias y compromiso constante con el Foro Permanente.  Agradezco a mis colegas del Foro Permanente por su trabajo incansable y el apoyo que cada uno le ha dado al Foro Permanente, no sólo en las últimas dos semanas, sino también en los nuevos desafíos que enfrentaremos.

También me gustaría agradecer a los miembros del grupo lnter-Agencial de Apoyo al Foro Permanente por su arduo trabajo y su compromiso por continuar impulsando nuestras recomendaciones y, de forma especial a la Secretaria del Foro Permanente por su incansable trabajo y apoyo a los miembros del Foro Permanente en las últimas dos semanas y durante todo el año.

El primer día de la sesión recibimos de nuestros mayores, guías espirituales el bastón de mando, el guacal con sus secretos, energías y poderes; hoy no concluye nuestra tarea, regresaremos a nuestros países, organizaciones y comunidades, cargando el morral de las responsabilidades de cumplir con las recomendaciones, diseminar la información sobre los derechos de nuestros pueblos trabajando en cooperación y alianza con los gobiernos, agencias del sistema de Naciones Unidas y por su puestos llevando las voces y propuestas de nuestros pueblos que ustedes trajeron a este Foro.

Nuestro compromiso es preparamos mejor para el 2012.  Que los Apus, los espíritus y las energías de nuestros ancestros, los compromisos de mujeres y hombres de nuestros pueblos y la voluntad de nuestra juventud y niñez nos acompañen de regreso a nuestros hogares.

Por último, quiero decirles hasta pronto y que tengan un viaje seguro de regreso a sus hogares; hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar.

Tinki Pali, Gracias.