Sunday, October 30, 2011

La Ley de Excepciones

Carta Abierta a los Ministros de Estado y a las Constituyentes Públicas de Canadá, Estados Unidos, y México.

El TLCAN y la Declaración de la ONU sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas.

27 de octubre de 2011

Saludos. Hoy en día el arco antiguo de la peregrinación de las Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas de Anahuac, la Isla de la Tortuga de Abya Yala [las Américas] a propósito se cruza una vez más con la trayectoria del gobierno de los estados-naciones que ustedes representan en nuestro continente.  Hoy en día los representantes tradicionales de la Nación Wixarika llevan el caso de la Defensa de Wirikuta, el corazón sagrado de México, a un primer plano de la agenda nacional, internacional, y mundial de discusión sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, y los Derechos de la Madre Tierra.  Como Nican Tlacah, estamos en una peregrinación a fin de generar el conocimiento colectivo necesario entre toda la sociedad humana a lo sagrado de la vida para ser vivida, celebrará, y a ser protegida en los territorios de origen y sitios sagrados de los Pueblos Indígenas.

Hoy, en la Ciudad de México, y en la Embajada de Canadá en México, se entrega una petición para exigir el respeto y la protección de los lugares sagrados de Wirikuta a los gobiernos de México y Canadá. Estamos aquí-ahora, Nican Tlacah Izkalotecah, entregando nuestra solidaridad y el compromiso de corregir las injusticias históricas y sociales que han creado la complicidad inmoral e ilegal de los intereses corporativos y funcionarios del gobierno que deben defender el bien común y no actuar como agentes de los beneficios monetarios empresariales .

·      Dentro de las disposiciones del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) de 1994, entre sus gobiernos, cada Estado-nación se reserva el derecho de negar los derechos de los inversionistas o preferencia otorgados a los "poblaciones autóctonas", "minorías, social y económicamente en desventaja”, o " los grupos social o económicamente en desventaja”, en dos a cinco áreas designadas.  Estas disposiciones de excepción se citan en el Anexo II, de la siguiente manera:

  • Canadá se reserva el derecho de adoptar o mantener cualquier medida denegando a inversionistas y a sus inversiones o a proveedores de servicios de otra Parte cualquier derecho o preferencia otorgados a poblaciones autóctonas.”

  • Estados Unidos se reserva el derecho de adoptar o mantener cualquier medida que otorgue derechos o preferencias a las minorías, social y económicamente en desventaja, incluyendo aquellas sociedades organizadas de acuerdo a las leyes del Estado de Alaska de conformidad con la Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act .
  • México se reserva el derecho de adoptar o mantener cualquier medida que otorgue derechos o preferencias a los grupos social o económicamente en desventaja.”
En referencia a esas disposiciones de excepción del TLCAN, la profesora Valerie J. Phillips correctamente declaró, "Los tres estados-naciones se recuerdan de los pueblos indígenas, pero sólo en el  tiempo suficiente para ponerlos en su lugar.  Todas estas excepciones sólo continúan con el actual subordinación y marginación de los Estado-naciones a los pueblos indígenas.

Los términos de subordinación y marginación son sólo la piel de la bestia.  El proceso real que ha llevado a cabo sin quebrada ninguna desde 12 de octubre 1492 es el colonialismo y el genocidio, implementado a través de los acuerdos comerciales y políticas de desarrollo económico que favorecen a los procesos de colonización por los elites del “hombre blanco” Europeo-americanos en todo el continente, y sus cómplices empresariales.  La Niña, la Pinta, la Santa María, el Mayflower: el TLCAN y el NARCO.

La invasión de la Isla Tortuga Abya Yala sigue, sin embargo, nuestra resistencia como los pueblos indígenas también continua.  Resistimos y nos rebelamos, nos regeneramos y hacemos un llamado una vez más hoy en día para realizar la rectificación y la claridad, como el propósito y la solidaridad mundial de los hijos de las Naciones y Pueblos de la Madre Tierra.


La Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, adoptada por la Asamblea General de 13 de septiembre 2007:

Artículo 32

Los Estados celebrarán consultas y cooperarán de buena fe con los pueblos indígenas interesados por conducto de sus propias instituciones representativas a fin de obtener su consentimiento libre e informado antes de aprobar cualquier proyecto que afecte sus tierras o territorios y otros recursos, particularmente en relación con el desarrollo, utilización o la explotación de recursos minerales, hídricos, o de otro tipo.

Es evidente que la falta de procesos y rendición de cuentas por violaciones de los Derechos de Consentimiento Libre, Previo, e Informado de los Pueblos Indígenas es un defecto fatal - no sólo en las consultas que condujeron al TLCAN como un pacto comercial regional, pero para el actual aplicación en curso del tratado.  El caso de Wirikuta, en México se refleja en la crisis de las arenas bituminosas Tar Sands de Alberta, Canadá y el Cerro Tenabo, en Nevada, así como decenas de otros proyectos de desarrollo que afectan las naciones indígenas de América del Norte, como los Picos de San Francisco en Arizona.  La violación del derecho de Consentimiento Libre, Previo, e Informado se extiende en toda la gama de programas de desarrollo económico que sean promovidos y protegidos con las políticas económicas preferenciales por los tres gobiernos del régimen del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN).

La violación del derecho de Consentimiento Libre, Previo e Informado, es sistémico bajo las políticas neoliberales de estos estados, así como su complicidad en la explotación y la expropiación criminal de los recursos naturales y el labor de nuestras Naciones y Pueblos. Este es un grave problema de crisis en la política exterior regional que deben ser tratado bajo las normas de la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, aprobada por la Asamblea General de la ONU el 13 de septiembre de 2007.

Centrándose en el contexto de los EE.UU. de esta problemática, Anthony Bothwell, señala que la toma de América por los Europeos consistió en "el robo de la tierra más extensa y la más grande holocausto de la historia mundial".  Él argumenta persuasivamente que, dentro de los Estados Unidos, la Corte Suprema ha distorsionada "leyes" internacionales o doctrinas en cuanto a la conquista y el descubrimiento con fin de "racionalizar la usurpación por la concepción de supremacía blanca sobre la soberanía de las naciones indígenas, aunque reconoció que esta gran injusticia podría haber violado los principios del derecho internacional".  Bothwell va más allá del mero análisis de las leyes internacionales existentes en esos tiempos para afirmar que la toma de Norte America violó a tratados vinculantes, el derecho de naciones tal como se reconoce en la Constitución de los EE.UU., así como los cláusulas de la Supremacía, Comercio, Tomás, y la Quinta Cláusula de enmienda para el Debido Proceso de la Constitución de los EE.UU..

Sin embargo, a pesar de estas evaluaciones y predicciones de la Narrativa del Dominante, hoy los Wixarika levantan su voz al mundo una vez más desde los altares ceremoniales de México en la peregrinación de propósito y aclaración.  Los Cuachilchicameh Izkaloteca responden y transmiten este mensaje siguiente, una vez más:

Proclamación Continental
Abya Yala
Foro Permanente de Cuestiones Indígenas
Quinto Periodo de Sesiones   15-26 de Mayo, 2006
Naciones Unidas  NY, NY

Recordando la memoria, el esfuerzo y espíritu de nuestros ancestros de los Pueblos Milenarios, los que han dado originación a nuestros Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas del Continente Abya Yala;

Retomando el poder de nuestro destino como Pueblos de la Humanidad;

En salvaguardia de los Derechos de las Futuras Generaciones de Nuestros Pueblos Indígenas;

Invocando los Mandatos Ancestrales de nuestra Confederación Continental del Águila y el Cóndor, y las pronunciaciones al respecto tomados en Cumbre Continental Indígena en Quito, Ecuador 2004 y en Mar de Plata, Argentina 2005;


Al presentarnos como Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas de Nuestro Continente Abya Yala frente esta quinta periodo de sesiones del Foro Permanente de Cuestiones Indígenas de las Naciones Unidas, y al haber ser recibo como tal por sus autoridades convocantes en el salón de Asamblea General,

Que la Bula Papal Inter Caetera de Papa Alejando Sexto 1493 es NULLIFICADO, también igual cualquier Doctrina de Descubrimiento procedente que pretende deformar la relación de Armonía, Justicia, y la Paz de Nuestros Pueblos Indígenas de la Humanidad entera.

18 de mayo, 2006


Hacemos un llamado a los ministros de gobierno en todos los niveles de Canadá, Estados Unidos, y México, y los constituyentes públicos de sus respectivas sociedades para hacer frente sin prejuicios ni discriminación de las aclaraciones anteriores.  Afirmamos que estas aclaraciones obligan la rectificación del crimen del colonialismo y una moratoria sobre todos los proyectos de desarrollo económico dentro del TLCAN que afectan los territorios de las Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas hasta que el Consentimiento Libre, Previo, e Informado de los pueblos indígenas es plenamente reconocido, respetado, y protegido en el espíritu de la Declaración de la ONU sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, de la siguiente manera:

"Afirmando que los pueblos indígenas son iguales a todos los demás pueblos, …."

Embajada de los Pueblos Indígenas

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Law of Exceptions

Open Letter to the Ministers of State
and the Public Societies of Canada-US-Mexico

NAFTA and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

October 27, 2011

Greetings.  Today the ancient arc of pilgrimage of the Nations and Pueblos of the Indigenous Peoples of Anahuac, Turtle Island and Abya Yala [the Americas] purposefully intersects once more with the trajectory of the government states whom you represent on our continent.  Today the traditional representatives of the Wixarika Nation bring the case of the Defense of Wirikuta, sacred heart of Mexico, to the fore of the national, international and global agenda of discussion on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and the rights of Mother Earth.  As Nican Tlacah, we are on a pilgrimage of purpose to generate the collective understanding necessary among all human society for the sacredness of life itself to be lived, to be celebrated, and to be protected in the homelands and sacred shrines of the Indigenous Peoples.

Today in Mexico City, and at the Canadian Embassy in Mexico a petition demanding respect and protection for the sacred sites of the Wirikuta is being delivered to the Mexican and Canadian governments. We here-now, Nican Tlacah Izkalotecah, extend our solidarity and commitment to rectify the historical and social injustices that have created the immoral and illegal complicity among corporate interests and government officials who should be defending the common good and not acting as agents of corporate profits. 


Within the provisions of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) among your governments, each nation-state reserved the right to deny investors rights or preferences provided to “aboriginal peoples”, “socially or economically disadvantaged minorities”, or “socially or economically disadvantaged groups” in from two to five designated areas.  These provisions of exception are cited in Annex II, as follows:

·      “Canada reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure denying investors of another Party and their investments, or service providers of another Party, any rights or preferences provided to aboriginal peoples,”

·      “The United States reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure according rights or preferences to socially or economically disadvantaged minorities, including corporations organized under the laws of the State of Alaska in accordance with the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act,”

·      “Mexico reserves the right to adopt or maintain any measure according rights or preferences to socially or economically disadvantaged groups,” 

In reference to these provisions of exception of NAFTA, professor Valerie J. Phillips correctly stated, “All three nation-states remembered indigenous peoples, but only long enough to put them in their place. All of these exemptions simply continue the ongoing nation-state subordination and marginalization of indigenous peoples.”

The terms subordination and marginalization are only the skin of the beast.  The actual process which has been ongoing since October 12, 1492 is genocide and colonialism, implemented via trade agreements and economic development policies that favor the process of colonization by European American “white” elites continentally and their corporate accomplices.  The Niña, the Pinta, the Santa Maria, the Mayflower: the NAFTA and the NARCO.
Marcha del 27 octubre Mexico, DF

The invasion of Turtle Island Abya Yala continues, yet our resistance, as Indigenous Peoples is also unbroken.  We resist and rebel, we regenerate and call out once more today for rectification and clarity, purpose and solidarity as children of the Nations and Pueblos of Mother Earth.


From the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the UN General Assembly September 13, 2007:

Article 32

States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representative institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of mineral, water or other resources.

It is evident that the lack of processes and accountability for violations of the Right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent for Indigenous Peoples is a fatal flaw not only the consultations which led to the NAFTA as a regional commercial compact, but for the actual ongoing implementation of the agreement.  The case of Wirikuta in Mexico is mirrored in the crisis of the Tar Sands in Alberta, Canada and Mt. Tenabo in Nevada as well as scores of other development projects impacting Indigenous Nations across North America including the San Francisco Peaks in Arizona. The violation of the right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent extends across the entire spectrum of economic development programs that are promoted and protected with preferential economic policies by the governments of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) regime.

The violation of the Right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent is systemic under the neoliberal policies of these states, as is their complicity in the criminal exploitation and expropriation of the natural resources and labor of our Nations and Pueblos.  This is a grave foreign policy issue of crisis that must be addressed under the standards of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 13, 2007.

Focusing in on the US context of the issues, Anthony Bothwell, remarks that the European taking of America involved “the most extensive land fraud and the largest holocaust in world history”.  He argues persuasively that, within the United States, the Supreme Court distorted international “laws” or doctrines regarding conquest and discovery to “rationalize white supremacist usurpation of Indian nation sovereignty, even while conceding that the great injustice may have violated international law principles”.  Bothwell goes even further than the mere analysis of then-existing international laws to assert that the taking of America violated binding treaties, the law of nations as recognized in the U.S. Constitution, as well as the Supremacy, Commerce, Takings, Contracts, and Fifth Amendment Due Process Clauses of the U.S. Constitution.

Yet, in spite of these assessments and predictions of the Master’s Narrative, today the Wixarica speak to the World once more from the ceremonial ground of Mexico in pilgrimage of purpose and clarification. The Cuachichilcameh Izkalotecah respond and relay the following message, once more:

Continental Proclamation
Abya Yala
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Fifth Period of Sessions  May 15- 26, 2006
United Nations   NY, NY

Recalling the memory, will and spirit of our ancestors of time immemorial, they who gave origination to we the Indigenous Nations of the Continent Abya Yala,

Reclaiming the power of destiny as Peoples of Humanity,

In safeguard of the Rights of the Future Generations of our Nations of Indigenous Peoples,

Invoking the ancestral mandates of our Continental Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor, and the respective pronunciations ratified in Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples in Quito, Ecuador 2004, and in Mar de Plata, Argentina 2005,


Presenting ourselves as Nations of the Indigenous Peoples of our continent Abya Yala before this Fifth Period of Sessions of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues of the United Nations, and upon being received as such by the convoking authorities on the floor of the General Assembly,

That the Papal Bull Inter Caetera of Pope Alexander VI is hereby ANNULLED, as well as whatever Doctrine of Discovery proceeding from which that pretends to deform the relationship of Harmony, Justice, and Peace of we the Indigenous Peoples of Humanity in its entirety.

May 18, 2006


We call upon the ministers of government at all levels of Canada-US-Mexico and the public constituencies of their respective societies to address without prejudice or discrimination the above clarifications. We assert that these clarifications command rectification of the crime of colonialism and a moratorium on all NAFTA economic development projects impacting the territories of the Nations and Pueblos of Indigenous Peoples until the right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of the Indigenous Peoples is fully recognized, respected, and protected in the spirit of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as follows:

“Affirming that Indigenous Peoples are equal to all other peoples,…..”

Embassy of Indigenous Peoples

Proclamación Continental Abya Yala

Proclamación Continental
Abya Yala
Foro Permanente de Cuestiones Indígenas
Quinto Periodo de Sesiones   15-26 de Mayo, 2006
Naciones Unidas  NY, NY

Recordando la memoria, el esfuerzo y espíritu de nuestros ancestros de los Pueblos Milenarios, los que han dado originación a nuestros Pueblos Indígenas del Continente Abya Yala,

Retomando el poder de nuestro destino como Pueblos de la Humanidad,

En salvaguardia de los Derechos de las Futuras Generaciones de Nuestros Pueblos Indígenas,

Invocando los Mandatos Ancestrales de nuestra Confederación Continental del Águila y el Cóndor, y las pronunciaciones al respecto tomados en Cumbre Continental Indígena en Quito, Ecuador 2004 y en Mar de Plata, Argentina 2005,


Al presentarnos como Pueblos Indígenas de Nuestro Continente Abya Yala frente esta quinta periodo de sesiones del Foro Permanente de Cuestiones Indígenas de las Naciones Unidas, y al haber ser recibo como tal por sus autoridades convocantes en el salón de Asamblea General,

Que la Bula Papal Inter Caetera de Papa Alejando Sexto 1493 es NULLIFICADO, también igual cualquier Doctrina de Descubrimiento procedente que pretende deformar la relación de Armonía, Justicia, y la Paz de Nuestros Pueblos Indígenas de la Humanidad entera.

18 de mayo, 2006

Continental Proclamation
Abya Yala
Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
Fifth Period of Sessions  May 15- 26, 2006
United Nations   NY, NY

Recalling the memory, will and spirit of our ancestors of time immemorial, they who gave origination to we the Indigenous Nations of the Continent Abya Yala,

Reclaiming the power of destiny as Peoples of  Humanity,

In safeguard of the Rights of the Future Generations of our Nations of Indigenous Peoples,

Invoking the ancestral mandates of our Continental Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor, and the respective pronunciations ratified in Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples in Quito, Ecuador 2004, and in Mar de Plata, Argentina 2005,


Presenting ourselves as Nations of the Indigenous Peoples of our continent Abya Yala before this Fifth Period of Sessions of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues of the United Nations, and upon being received as such by the convoking authorities on the floor of the General Assembly,

That the Papal Bull Inter Caetera of Pope Alexander VI is hereby ANNULLED, as well as whatever Doctrine of Discovery proceeding from which that pretends to deform the relationship of Harmony, Justice, and Peace of we the Indigenous Peoples of Humanity in its entirety.

May 18, 2006

II Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nations Abya Yala
Kito Kara Territories
Quito, Ecuador July 21-25, 2004

Resolution for Action Presented to Plenary Session
Submitted by: Tlahtokan Nahuacalli, Izkalotlan Pueblo, Aztlan

Issue: Call for Tribunal of Justice, by all Humanity, in the Court of the Indigenous Peoples Abya Yala regarding the Doctrine of Discovery of the Americas, specifically the ongoing colonization and genocide perpetrated with the guise of intellectual authorization of the Papal Bull INTER CAETERA of Pope Alexander VI, 1493.

Action: We call for a permanent tribunal of justice at all levels of humanity across the globe, to address this issue in the historical and legal context of the universal principles of justice and jurisprudence of the Indigenous Peoples.

Geneva, August 1, 1991
Chief of State of the Vatican
Pope John Paul II
Rome, Italy

The indigenous delegates present at the Palace of Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland, in debateregarding the Universal Declaration of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, convened by the "Working Group on Indigenous People" of the United Nations, hereby present and declare:

In view of the declaration on May 3, 4, 1493, of the Papal Bull INTER CETERA, by which territories of Indigenous Peoples are conceded to Spain and Portugal, without taking into account the material or spiritual rights of the Indigenous Peoples in the case of ABYA YALA (America) and other parts of the world;

In defence of the sacred rights of the indigenous people, and in promotion of human dignity and harmony that should reign among humanity on this planet;

For all these purposes:

1) We demand from the Vatican state a denunciation of the unilateral treaty of Pope Alexander VI (TORDESILLAS) as being contrary to the Universal Human Rights of Peoples.

2) Whereas the year 1993 completes 500 years of a supposed spiritual conquest without clear rectification of this universal injustice, allowing the nation-states that have benefited from the inheritance of Pope Alejandro VI to continue programmes of genocide and ethnocide, denying the indigenous people the recuperation of a harmony based on reciprocal human respect, we demand that the Papal Bull of May 3, 4, 1493 ÍNTER CETERA be annulled.

3) We direct John Paul II to accede to universal concepts of justice including the spiritual and material rights of Indigenous Peoples, in furtherance of life, harmony of human beings with our Sacred Mother Earth, and the spiritual peace of the Great Creator in accord with the cosmovision of each one of our Indigenous Peoples, free from all oppression. Thus we proclaim in the name of Human Dignity, in harmony with our Mother Nature and in the Spirit of Truth.

The indigenous delegates, and organizations.

II Cumbre Comtinental de Pueblos y Naciones Indígenas Abya Yala
Territorio Kito Kara
Quito, Ecuador Julio 21-25, 2004

Resolución para Acción Presentado a la Plenaria
Entregado por: Tlahtokan Nahuacalli, Izkalotlan Pueblo, Aztlan

Tema: Un Llamado por un Tribunal de Justicia, por toda la Humanidad, en la Corte de los Pueblos Indígenas de Abya Yala, para hacer juicio en la cuestión de la Doctrina de Descubrimiento de las Americas, específicamente la colonización y genocidio actual perpetrado bajo la autorización intelectual de la Bula INTER CETERA del Papa Alejandro VI, 1493.

Accion: Hacemos un llamado por un tribunal permanente de justicia en todos niveles de la sociedad global, para hacer juicio en la cuestión, desde el contexto histórico y legal de la justicia universal en concordancia con la jurisprudencia de los Pueblos Indígenas.


Ginebra, agosto 1 de 1991
Señor Jefe de Estado Vaticano
Papa Juan Pablo II
Roma, Italia.

Los delegados indígenas presentes en el Palacio de las Naciones en Ginebra, Suiza, debatiendo la Declaración Universal de los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas convocados por el "Grupo de Trabajo sobre Pueblos Indígenas" de las Naciones Unidas, por este medio nos presentamos y declaramos:

En vista que en los días 3 y 4 de mayo de 1493, el Papa Alejandro VI emitió la Bula ÍNTER CETERA, por la que concede territorios de los Pueblos Indígenas en el caso de ABYA YALA América") y otras partes del Mundo, sin el CONSENTIMIENTO INDÍGENA ni el Derecho de Gentes, tanto en el plano espiritual como en el material;

En salvaguarda de los sagrados derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, la dignidad humana y la armonía que debe reinar entre nosotros los humanos en este Planeta,

Por todos estos propósitos:
1) DEMANDAMOS al Estado del Vaticano, denunciando el tratado unilateral del Papa Alejandro VI (TORDESILLAS), por ser contrario a los Derecho Humanos Universales.

2} Que el año 1993 se cumplen 500 años de una supuesta conquista espiritual y sin que se verifique fehacientemente una rectificación de esta injusticia universal, donde permita recuperar la armonía con el respeto humano de los Pueblos Indígenas y reparar el genocidio y etnocidio cometido por los Estados que recibieron los beneficios de la herencia del Papa Alejandro VI, exigimos que se derogue la Bula ÍNTER CETERA de 3 y 4 de mayo de 1493.

3) Que Juan Pablo II debe atenerse a la validez universal del concepto de Justicia distributive incluyendo los Pueblos Indígenas con sus derechos espirituales y materiales, en pos de la vida y de los seres humanos en armonía con nuestra Madre Tierra y la Paz Espiritual con el Sumo Hacedor, de las cosmovisiones de cada uno de nuestros Pueblos Indígenas, libres de toda opresión.

Que así lo exigimos en nombre do la Dignidad Humana en armonía con nuestra Madre Naturaleza y en el Espíritu de la Verdad.


Los delegados indígenas y sus organizaciones.

Actions of Implementation

Continental Indigenous Summit
Mar de Plata, Argentina  November 2-3-4, 2005


The United Nations and the Organization of American States - OAS

ACTION: To implement the initiatives of DECOLONIZATION, at the dimension of our continent Abya Yala, obligated the procedures under international law indicated by resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly 1514 and 1541, among others.


ACTION:  To call for the commitment of support from the social justice movements of the continent for the global campaign of the Indigenous Peoples in demand of annulment of the Papal Bull Inter Cetera of 1493 (Doctrine of Discovery)

ISSUE:   CONTINENTAL UNION of Indigenous Nations

ACTION: Historical Clarification

The Continental Indigenous Summit Mar de Plata 2005 is the continuation of a process and millennial tradition of Continental Union of Indigenous Nations, the Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor, which was regenerated at Quito, Ecuador in 1990 at the First Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples.  The Second Continental Encounter of Indigenous Nations, Pueblos and Organizations was hosted in México at Temoaya, in 1993.  These two continental encounters served as the foundation for the First International Indigenous Summit realized at Teotihuacan, México in 2000.  The Second Continental Summit Abya Yala took place in 2004, once again at Quito, Ecuador.

ACTION:  Call to Cultural Uprising

It is proclaimed from this Continental Indigenous Summit a call for a movement of CULTURAL UPRISING by the Indigenous Peoples of all urban areas of the continent, in accord with the principles of the Declaration of Mar De Plata, 2005.

Embassy of the Indigenous Peoples
Tel: (602) 254-5230
P.O. Box 24009 Phoenix, AZ 85074

Acciones de Implementación
Cumbre Continental Indígena
Mar de Plata, Argentina 2-3-4 de Noviembre, 2005


ACCION: Impulsar las Iniciativas de DESCOLONIZACION, al nivel del continente Abya Yala, obligatorios por los procedimientos de la ley internacional indicados por las resoluciones de la Asamblea General de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas 1514 y 1541 entre otros.


ACCION:  Que se comprometen las organizaciones del sector de la sociedad civil a respaldar la campaña mundial por el derogue de la Bula Papal Inter Cetera de 1493. (La Doctrina de Descubrimiento)


ACCION: Clarificación Histórica

La Cumbre Indígena Continental Mar de Plata 2005 es la continuación de un proceso y tradición milenaria de Unión Continental, La Confederación del Águila y el Cóndor, que dio inicio en Quito, Ecuador en 1990, en el Primer Encuentro Continental Indígena, con seguimiento en el año 1993 en el Segundo Encuentro Continental Indígena de Temoaya, México.  Estos dos encuentros continentales sirvieron de base para La Primera Cumbre Internacional Indígena de Teotihuacan México, 2000 la cual realizó su continuidad en la Segunda Cumbre Continental Abya Yala de Quito Ecuador en al año 2004.

Que se proclama desde esta Cumbre Continental Indígena un llamado para el LEVANTAMIENTO CULTURAL de los Pueblos Indígenas urbanos al nivel continente, de acuerdo con los principios de la Declaración de Mar de Plata 2005.

Embajada de los Pueblos Indígenas
Tel: (602) 254-5230
P.O. Box 24009 Phoenix, AZ 85074

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tar Sands and Treaties: The Fight for Mother Earth

Testimony at the October 7, 2011 Public Hearings on the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline
US State Department
Rise Up with Mother Earth!


Deadline Sunday October 9, 2011

 12:00 Midnite


Protect the Peace-Athabasca Delta


Petition to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Protect the Peace-Athabasca Delta  

Stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline!

In Canada's boreal forest, the Peace-Athabasca Delta is a haven for millions of migratory birds. It's no place for even more tar sands development, which is already poisoning the boreal forest's rivers and lakes. Send a message telling Secretary Clinton to say No to the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

Note: This action is for U.S. residents only. Please do not attempt to take action without a U.S. mailing address. 
Your message will be sent to:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Subject line: Stop the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline

Mother Earth Accord, Rosebud South Dakota September 2011

Mother Earth Accord
September 2011
Tribal Government Chairs and Presidents, Traditional Treaty Councils, and US property owners, with First Nation Chiefs of Canada, impacted by TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and tar sands development present at the Rosebud Sioux Tribe Emergency Summit, September 15-16, 2011, on the protection of Mother Earth and Treaty Territories:
Recognizing that TransCanada’s proposed Keystone XL pipeline would stretch 1,980 miles, from Hardisty, Alberta, Canada to Nederland, Texas, carrying up to 900,000 barrels per day of tar sands crude oil, which would drive additional tar sands production;
Recognizing the existing resolutions and letters in opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline;
Guided by the principles of traditional indigenous knowledge, spiritual values, and respectful use of the land;
Affirming our responsibility to protect and preserve for our descendants, the inherent sovereign rights of our Indigenous Nations, the rights of property owners, and all inherent human rights;
Affirming our Indigenous view that the Earth is our true mother, our grandmother who gives birth to us and maintains all life;
Recognizing that the tar sands in northern Alberta, Canada is one of the largest remaining deposits of unconventional oil in the world, containing approximately 2 trillion barrels, and there are plans for a massive expansion of development that would ultimately destroy an area larger than the state of Florida;
Recognizing that tar sand development has devastating impacts to Mother Earth and her inhabitants and perpetuates the crippling addiction to oil of the United States and Canada;
Recalling in September 2010, the Assembly of First Nations of Canada called on the United States government to take into account the environmental impacts of tar sands production on First Nations in its energy policy, citing the high rates of cancer in the downstream Fort Chipewyan community, which prominent scientists say are potentially linked to petroleum products;
Recognizing the findings published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that tar sands production releases 13 elements considered priority pollutants under the U.S. Clean Water Act, including lead, mercury, and arsenic into the Athabasca River in northern Alberta, which flows 3,000 miles downstream to the Arctic Ocean;
Recognizing that tar sands production produces three times the greenhouse gas emissions of conventional oil and NASA climate scientist James Hansen has said that if the tar sands are fully developed, it will be “essentially game over” for the climate;
Recognizing that Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions from tar sands development have more than doubled since 1990, which is the main reason Canada is failing to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets under the Kyoto Protocol;
Concerned that Indigenous people are most vulnerable to the social, cultural, spiritual, and environmental impacts of climate change;
Recognizing that Exxon-Imperial and ConocoPhillips Heavy Haul shipments are attempting to haul more than 200 oversized loads of heavy oil machinery from the Port of Lewiston, Idaho along Highway 12 into Montana, then north to the tar sands project in Alberta, Canada;
Concerned that tar sands crude oil is more toxic, corrosive, and abrasive than conventional crude oil and poses additional pipeline safety risks that have not been fully assessed by the U.S. Department of State in its final Environmental Impact Statement for the Keystone XL pipeline, issued August 26, 2011;
Recalling that TransCanada’s year-old Keystone pipeline, from Manitoba, Canada to Patoka, Illinois and Cushing Oklahoma, has had 14 spills in the U.S. portion since it started operation in June 2010, and was temporarily shut down by regulators in late May, 2011;
Recognizing TransCanada’s extremely poor safety record for the Keystone pipeline, it is probable that the Keystone XL pipeline will have frequent spills because it will have similar design specifications;
Concerned that oil spills from the Keystone XL pipeline would destroy live-sustaining water resources, including the Ogallala Aquifer, which provides drinking water for millions of people and farmland irrigation throughout the Midwestern United States;
Concerned that construction of the Keystone XL pipeline will impact sacred sites and ancestral burial grounds, and treaty rights throughout traditional territories, without adequate consultation on these impacts;
Concerned that the Keystone XL pipeline would increase air pollution in the communities surrounding the refineries that the pipeline would service where people of color, Indigenous peoples, and poor people are already experiencing high rates of cancer and respiratory illness;
Recalling that TransCanada’s permit application to the Canadian government for the Keystone XL pipeline said it will increase oil prices in the United States by $4 billion per year;
Acknowledging that the Keystone XL pipeline is not designed to provide the United States with energy security and that industry documents indicate Gulf Coast refineries operate in a free trade zone and plan to refine tar sands oil into petroleum products that are intended for export overseas;
Therefore, we are united on this Mother Earth Accord, which is effective immediately, that it be resolved as follows:
We support and encourage a moratorium on tar sands development;
We insist on full consultation under the principles of “free, prior and informed consent,” from the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples both in the United States and Canada;
We urge regional authorities to halt the Exxon-Imperial and ConocoPhillips Heavy Haul shipments of tar sands equipment through the United States and Canada;
We urge the United States and Canada to reduce their reliance on oil, including tar sands, and invest in the research and development of cleaner, safer forms of sustainable energy and transportation solutions, including smart growth, fuel efficiency, next-generation biofuels and electric vehicles powered by solar and wind energy.
We strongly believe that the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is not in the national interest of the United States or Canada; and
We urge President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton to reject the Presidential Permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.
Signed by:

Indigenous Alliance without Borders Endorsement of Mother Earth Accord


Proclamation of Endorsement
of the
October 7, 2011

Good greetings to all.  The Indigenous Alliance Without Borders was created by and for Indigenous Peoples to address border issues of the southern US border with Mexico.  Our organization consists of individual tribal members from the eight southern border indigenous nations with relatives in Mexico. Our mission is to affirm the rights of Indigenous Peoples, their right to self determination, their collective human and civil rights, the rights of sovereignty and the protection of sacred sites, and the free unrestricted movement across international borders.  
Land of the Braves

It has come to our attention and concern that in spite of the lack of Free, Prior and Informed Consent of the Nations of Indigenous Peoples whose traditional and Treaty Territories are most impacted by the TransCanada Keystone XL Pipeline, the administration of President Obama is presently considering approval of this project under the presidential review process now under way within the US State Department.
We have also recently received from the Dene National Office of the Assembly of First Nations (NWT) a copy of the Mother Earth Accord which was drafted at the Emergency Summit convened at Rosebud, South Dakota in September.
The Indigenous Alliance Without Borders makes known that our organization fully supports and hereby endorses the Mother Earth Accord.  We also offer all our support as a traditional grass roots organization that spans the US-Mexico border region to help spread the message of the Mother Earth Accord among the Indigenous Peoples of Mexico, who are also fighting the extractive industries of mining and hydrocarbon exploitation.  Many of these companies operating in Mexico are based in Canada.
It is evident that the of lack of processes and accountability for violations of the Right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent for Indigenous Peoples is not only limited to these projects, like the Tar Sands, but also extends across the entire spectrum of economic development programs that are promoted and protected across all of North America with preferential policies by the governments of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) regime: Canada, US, Mexico.  

The violations of the Right of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent is systemic under the neoliberal policies of these states, as is their complicity in the criminal exploitation and expropriation of the natural resources and labor of our Nations and Pueblos.  This is a grave foreign policy issue of crisis that must be addressed under the standards of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, adopted by the UN General Assembly on September 13, 2007.
UN Permanent Forum for Indigenous Peoples
Please share our message of support and endorsement of the Mother Earth Accord with all of the friends, relatives and allies of your cause as we extend the call for solidarity with your fight to stop the Tar Sands among the relatives of our Indigenous Peoples of Mexico.
Jose Matus, Director
Indigenous Alliance Without Borders