

Global Indigenous Caucus 2013

Policarpo Chaj, Maya Vision
Palabra de los Pueblos ante la ONU 

Silvia Tibi, Ecuador
Palabra de la Mujer Indigena - CONAIE

Palabra Maya, Nahuat Pipil, Kakawira Lenka Ch'orti 
"No Somos Inmigrantes en Nuestro Propio Continenete."
UN Permanent Forum: Indigenous Peoples LIVE VIDEO from NY
Adam Lemareka, Maasai [Tanzania] Africa at the opening of the UN Permanent Forum: Indigenous Peoples New York 12th Session

"We are one heart, we are one Spirit."

ABYA YALA: Desmantelando la Doctrina de Descubrimiento 

Palabra Amwtay Wasi
La Integridad Territorial de la Madre Tierra 
La Realidad

Facebook Photo Album


Xicalcihuatzin Cemananhuak - Video

Indigenous Peoples and the United Nations Vol. 1 Film

Dialogue Between Nation Multi-Media Platform

Columbus is Not a Day - Video 

Seven Global Currencies of the Indigenous Peoples

Wixarika Statement in Defense of Wirikuta- Video

Opening Statement by Global Indigenous Peoples Caucus 2011- Video

Press conference by Saul Vicent Vasquez, Zapoteco 2011 - UNPFII member 

2011 US Senate Committee on Indian Affairs: Oversight Hearing on the UNDRIP