Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Issue: Full and Effective Participation - UN GA 1539

The issue is the full and effective participation in the exercise of the full and effective realization of the Right of Self Determination of Indigenous Peoples in the processes of engagement with the UN system, it is the process of deliberate global decolonization of Mother Earth.

1539 (XV). Participation of the Non-Self ­Governing Territories in the work of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies

The General Assembly, Recalling its resolutions 566 (VI) of 18 January 1952, 647 (VII) of 10 December 1952,  744  (VIII) of  27 November 1953 and 1466  (XIV) of  12 December 1959,

Considering that the direct participation of the Non-Self-Governing Territories in the work of the United Nations and of the specialized agencies is an effective means of promoting the progress of those Territories and their people towards the attainment of the objectives set forth in Chapter  XI  of the Charter  of the United  Nations,

Recognizing that the participation of duly qualified indigenous representatives of the  dependent  peoples in the consideration  of questions  of  fundamental  concern to their welfare is not only useful and desirable but also essential at the present stage of development of  the Non­ Self-Governing Territories,

Noting that the participation of some Non-Self­ Governing Territories in the work of certain regional economic commissions and specialized agencies has proved a useful means of promoting the progress of the peoples of those Territories towards complete self ­government or independence,

1. Considers that the direct participation of representatives of the indigenous peoples of the Non-Self­ Governing Territories in the work of the appropriate organs of the United Nations is in  the interest of the peoples of  those Territories and can do much to accelerate the process of their emancipation;

2.  Invites the Administering Members to arrange for the participation of such representatives of the Non­ Self-Governing Territories in the work of the appropriate organs of the United Nations;

3.  Further invites such Administering Members as have not already done so to propose to the specialized agencies and the regional economic commissions that the Non Self-Governing Territories participate in the work of those organs as members: or associate members, according to the constitution of each organ, through such representatives:

4.  Decides to include this question as a separate item on the provisional agenda of its sixteenth session;

5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the General Assembly at its sixteenth session a report on the implementation of  the  present  resolution.

948th  plenary meeting, 15  December 1960.