Friday, April 8, 2022

NTCP: New Technologies for Corporate Privilege and the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth


“We are on a fast track to climate disaster.”

António Guterres

Secretary-General of the United Nations

April 4, 2022



New Technologies for Corporate Privilege


and the

Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth


“The urgency of the climate crisis demands a rapid reorientation of our societies and economies away from fossil fuels, the key driver of global warming.  There is no time or justification for policy scenarios that fail to center an immediate halt to oil, gas, and coal expansion and the managed phaseout of all fossil fuels. Planning for overshoot on the premise that geoengineering techno-fixes and carbon trading can reverse temperature rise or mitigate its effects is indefensible.”


Open Letter to Intergovernmental Panel P Climate Change Working Group III

Signed by 340+ organizations

March 28, 2022




10 – 12 June 2013


We further affirm that nothing in this process or its outcomes may be interpreted as diminishing or eliminating any of the rights of Indigenous Peoples contained in the Declaration, or any of the other international standards which protect, defend and uphold the inherent economic, social, cultural, civil, political, educational and spiritual rights of Indigenous Peoples.


We reaffirm the peremptory norms of international law, including on equality and non- discrimination, and assert that the realization of the rights of Indigenous Peoples, including those affirmed in the Declaration, must be upheld by States, individually and collectively, free from all forms of discrimination including discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability. We also reaffirm that the Declaration must be regarded as the normative framework and basis for the Outcome Document and its full realization.


We affirm that the inherent and inalienable right of self-determination is preeminent and is a prerequisite for the realization of all rights. We Indigenous Peoples, have the right of self-determination and permanent sovereignty over our lands, territories, resources, air, ice, oceans and waters, mountains and forests.



Theme 1: Indigenous Peoples’ lands, territories, resources, oceans and waters


1. In order to fulfil their obligations to guarantee Indigenous Peoples’ right of self-determination and permanent sovereignty over our lands, territories, resources, air, ice, oceans and waters, mountains and forests, we recommend that States, as a matter of urgency, establish effective mechanisms through agreements reached with the Indigenous Peoples concerned, to effectively implement the aforementioned rights consistent with State’s obligations under international law, the UN Charter, the Declaration and Treaties and agreements concluded with Indigenous Peoples and Nations;



Indigenous Nationhood and Self Determination

The Legacies of Colonialism and the 1999 Treaty Study by Miguel Alfonso Martinez

January 31, 2022


Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth


As Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth, as Nican Tlacah Cemanahuac – we hereby affirm our inherent Human Responsibility and corresponding Human Right of self- determination beyond the conceptual and procedural constraints of the geopolitical architecture of the member states UN system, and call upon our allies and Traditional Confederacies of Indigenous Nations to engage in a multilateral commitment with each other towards the dual goals of World Peace-Peace with Mother Earth as the foundation for our priority work in the international arena.


Today we reemerge from our ancestral territories in the age of planetary climate crisis and invoke the Mandate of the Indigenous Peoples, calling upon all nations large and small to recognize, respect, and honor the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth.



Prior to the convening of the General Assembly High Level Plenary Meeting in 2014, a UN Indigenous Preparatory Meeting was held in Alta, Norway from June 10-12, 2013. The following intervention from the floor of the Alta Conference was presented by one of the indigenous delegates:


“We call for the restitution of the primary source materials and testimony that was lent to the United Nations system as fundamental to the evidence in document form of the systemic (system to system) nature of the legal relationships between the Nations of Indigenous Peoples and the member states of the UN system for the purpose of the Treaty Study conducted by Dr. Miguel Alfonso Martinez of Cuba.


Such delivery should be initial act of good faith in terms of the continuing process of systemic documentation among the Nations of Indigenous Peoples and the UN system prior to and as a necessary act of condition to allow for the full and effective participation of the Indigenous Peoples in the High-Level Plenary Meeting on an equal basis and without systemic


discrimination in the process of producing the Final Outcome Document of the High-Level Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly 2014.”


This intervention was never recorded in the official reports from Alta, much less integrated into the Alta Outcome document, nor considered by the UN member states at their 2014 High Level Plenary Meeting, fraudulently called the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples.


Acknowledging the period 2021–2030 as the Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism designated by the General Assembly, we now resubmit the 1999 Miguel Alfonso Martinez Study to the UN Human Rights Commission, in light of the principle that the prohibition against discrimination is a preemptive norm in international law, and that as Indigenous Peoples we are equal in right to all other peoples, including in the right of Self Determination and a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment for the future generations.


We call for the UN Human Rights Commission to review and revamp the UN website platforms to allow for the 1999 Martinez Treaty Study to be readily accessible to all, as well as the precursor Cobo Study of 1982.


We commit to continue our international Working Group of Indigenous Peoples, and just as when Special Rapporteur Miguel Alfonso Martinez visited our territories for the purposes of his Treaty Study, we shall not be deterred in our efforts to continue the development of international standards that recognize, respect, and protect our right of self-determination as Original Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Mother Earth. In terms of international standards, in a contemporary plural and multilateral context, we will not be limited to the compromised version of the 2007 UNDRIP, under which EMRIP is bound via the constraints established by the System Wide Action Plan which was dictated and then subscribed by the 2014 High Level Plenary Meeting and their minions.


The original principles of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples have been subverted from the trajectory of delivering an International Convention on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples to a global reduction schema, a geopolitical scam that would attempt to domesticate our inherent collective rights as Indigenous Peoples under the state defined systems of jurisprudence and jurisdiction, country by country.


With the intent to ensure accountability and effectiveness in the global struggle to eradicate colonialism, we commit now to the realization of the recommendation made by Special Rapporteur Martinez in his final report to establish a Treaty Registry that would reconstitute the original materials compiled by the Special Rapporteur, and integrate the indigenous geopolitical systems of jurisgenesis, jurisprudence, jurisdiction and judgment.