Friday, December 19, 2014

Statement of Continental Indigenous Solidarity with CONAIE

Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador 

December 21, 2014


We have received news that the current government of Ecuador led by President Rafael Correa has delivered to the House of CONAIE in Quito an eviction order with the expressed intent to unilaterally end the formal loan agreement on the building occupied by the indigenous movement of Ecuador for 30 years.

It was in this same House of CONAIE in 1990, where we were received and sheltered upon arrival in Ecuador to attend the First Continental Encounter of Indigenous Peoples, Nations and Organizations.  Over twenty years have since passed, many cycles of our movement have been fulfilled, and the Pachacutic of the Peoples continues to guide us with the legacy and the vision of our collective duty as Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala, the Great Turtle Island.  Now, as in 1990, we continue to stand with CONAIE in the struggle for Justice and Self-Determination for all Indigenous Peoples.

The colonizing settler states presently enjoying international recognition in the Americas derive their claims to jurisdiction in the hemisphere as successors to the doctrine of the Divine Right of Kings of Christendom via the Doctrine of Discovery of October 12, 1492.  In 1823, this Doctrine of Divine Right as States of the Americas was then modified and reinforced continentally from Washington, DC by way of the Monroe Doctrine.   In spite of this, throughout the entire 522 years since 1492 we Original Nations have resisted at every turn the illegal colonization by the European Americans of our continent of Abya Yala, the Great Turtle Island.  The territorial titles of the states which are based on the rejected and denounced Papal Bull Inter Caetera 1493 and other racist schemes carry no moral weight, nor reasonable validity or jurisprudence in a just society, whether in Ecuador or anywhere else in the continent.

In 1990 at the First Continental Indigenous Encounter a historic proclamation of denunciation and call to justice on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples regarding these issues was made, and now in 2014 we are still fighting for that cause, for the House of CONAIE.  We continue to struggle and construct collectively a House of Justice where we can once again greet each other as Relatives and Allies of the Confederation of the Eagle and Condor: La Casa de CONAIE.  We express our undiminished solidarity and commitment to CONAIE and all Indigenous Peoples as we continue the task of humanizing and harmonizing global society with the natural world as children of the Nations of Mother Earth.

We support the call by CONAIE for rejection of the order to vacate the Casa de CONAIE and stand in solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Ecuador to have their headquarters restored to them with full and permanent title.


Tupac Enrique Acosta, Yaotachcauh
Tlahtokan Nahuacalli
Embassy of Indigenous Peoples


Declaration of Emergency
December 16, 2014

Message to President Rafael Correa, Republic of Ecuador

President Rafael Correa,
Republic of Ecuador

It is with great concern and a profound sense of injustice that we receive reports of actions by your government to remove the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) from their headquarters in the Casa de CONAIE in Quito.  The CONAIE is a longstanding sister organization among all Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala [the Americas], and their headquarters fulfills a very real and important role for Indigenous Peoples not only in Ecuador but across the continent.  We cannot accept their removal from the home they have established after 30 years of struggle for justice and self-determination.

We stand in solidarity with CONAIE and call for immediate restitution of the Casa de CONAIE with full and permanent title as a positive act by your government in fulfillment of the International Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador.



CONAIE: Declaration of Emergency

Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador 


That Art. 1 of the Constitution recognizes the pluricultural and intercultural character of the Ecuadorian state, and consequently in Art. 10 identifies the communes, communities, peoples and nations as subjects of rights;

That the current Constitution and Convention 169 recognize communities, peoples and nationalities as territorial authorities, which under the independent governments, are also governed by their own forms of government, which the State must recognize and respect;

That, on December 11, 2014, the national government, through the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), delivered the Ministerial Resolution No. 0196 to the CONAIE, by which we are informed that the MIES terminated unilaterally the agreement of loan signed between CONAIE and the Ministry of Social Welfare, now the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion in 1991;

 That this measure taken by the government lacks legitimacy since the CONAIE as a government of the peoples and nationalities of Ecuador is making use of the property in representation and defense of individual and collective rights of ancestral peoples and of the majority, it is therefore an act of political persecution against the Indigenous movement;

Exercising our constitutional and collective rights recognized by the Constitution and international conventions recognized in the country, and exercising our powers and authority as a government of Indigenous Peoples and nationalities;


Art. 1. To declare a State of Emergency for the communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities of Ecuador until the conflictive situation created by the Order of eviction, ordered by the Ecuadorian government, is resolved. 

Art. 2. To convene an emergency General Assembly on Tuesday, December 23, 2014, at the headquarters of the CONAIE, in the city of Quito, at 09h00. This GA to adopt the necessary measures to defend the rights of communities, peoples and nations in general, and its historic headquarters in the city of Quito. 

Art. 3. To make a call to all national and international organizations to stay on the alert regarding the violation of the rights of communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities of Ecuador, and of social organizations.

Done and signed in the city of Quito, on December 16, 2014

For the Governing Council,

Jorge Herrera

CONAIE: Declaration of Emergency

Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador



That Art. 1 of the Constitution recognizes the pluricultural and intercultural character of the Ecuadorian state, and consequently in Art. 10 identifies the communes, communities, peoples and nations as subjects of rights;

That the current Constitution and Convention 169 recognize communities, peoples and nationalities as territorial authorities, which under the independent governments, are also governed by their own forms of government, which the State must recognize and respect;

That, on December 11, 2014, the national government, through the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES), delivered the Ministerial Resolution No. 0196 to the CONAIE, by which we are informed that the MIES terminated unilaterally the agreement of loan signed between CONAIE and the Ministry of Social Welfare, now the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion in 1991;

That this measure taken by the government lacks legitimacy since the CONAIE as a government of the peoples and nationalities of Ecuador is making use of the property in representation and defense of individual and collective rights of ancestral peoples and of the majority, it is therefore an act of political persecution against the Indigenous movement;

Exercising our constitutional and collective rights recognized by the Constitution and international conventions recognized in the country, and exercising our powers and authority as a government of Indigenous Peoples and nationalities;

Art. 1. To declare a State of Emergency for the communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities of Ecuador until the conflictive situation created by the Order of eviction, ordered by the Ecuadorian government, is resolved.

Art. 2. To convene an emergency General Assembly on Tuesday, December 23, 2014, at the headquarters of the CONAIE, in the city of Quito, at 09h00. This GA to adopt the necessary measures to defend the rights of communities, peoples and nations in general, and its historic headquarters in the city of Quito.

Art. 3. To make a call to all national and international organizations to stay alert regarding the violation of the rights of communities, peoples and nationalities of Ecuador, and of social organizations.

Done and signed in the city of Quito, on December 16, 2014

For the Governing Council,

Jorge Herrera

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Comunicado de Solidaridad Indígena Continental Abya Yala : CONAIE

Embajada de Pueblos Indígenas

Comunicado de Solidaridad Indígena Continental Abya Yala

A La Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas de Ecuador - CONAIE

17 diciembre 2014

Nohuanyolqueh, Hermanas y Hermanas 

Hemos recibido la noticia de que el gobierno actual de Ecuador encabezado por el presidente Rafael Correa ha hecho llegar a la Casa de CONAIE en Quito un  orden de desalojo que se pretende terminar con el acuerdo formal del comodato sobre el edificio que ocupa el movimiento indígena de Ecuador por hace 30 años.

Fue en esta misma casa donde en 1990, fuimos recibidos y cobijados para iniciar el Levantamiento Continental Indígena que fue catalizado con el Primer Encuentro Continental Indígena de Pueblos, Naciones y Organizaciones.  Los años pasan, los ciclos se cumplen, y el Pachacutic de los Pueblos nos sigue orientando hacia nuestro llegado y el horizonte de nuestro deber colectivo como Pueblos Originarios de Abya Yala, pueblos originarios de la Sagrada Madre Tierra Tonantzin Pacha Mama.
¡ Justicia y Libre Determinación !

Si bien se sabe que la formulación de los estados colonizadores de la Américas como entidades sucesores a la Doctrina del Derecho Divino de los Reyes, y la Doctrina de Descubrimiento 1492 ha sido reforzado desde 1823 con la Doctrina Monroe desde acá en el Norte, también sabemos que por todo lo largo de los 522 años hemos resistido la colonización ilegal de Europeos Americanos, en todo lo largo y el ancho de Nuestro Continente de Abya Yala.  Los títulos de propiedad de los estados, basados en la rechazada y denunciada Bula Papal Inter Caetera y otras esquemas racistas no tienen razón o jurisprudencia valida en una sociedad justa, ni en Ecuador ni en cualquier parte del continente.

En 1990 en el Primer Encuentro Continental Indígena se intento proclamar esta denuncia ante toda la humanidad, y ahora en 2014 se sigue luchando para que esa Casa del Pueblo de la Humanidad, la Casa de Justicia tenga en donde pueda estirar su jamaca, poner su techo, y seguir con la gran tarea de humanizar y armonizar la sociedad planetaria con la naturaleza que nos rodea y de que también somos parte.

Esperamos que la situación referente al el entregue de titulo de la Casa de Conaie al movimiento Indígena en Quito se resuelve pronto y dentro de un dialogo de respeto y justicia.  Cuenta con nosotros en solidaridad y acompañamiento como Pueblos y Naciones Originarios desde todo el Continente de Abya Yala.

Tupac Enrique Acosta, Yaotachcauh
Tlahtokan Nahuacalli

Embassy of Indigenous Peoples

Presidente Rafael Correa,
República del Ecuador

Es con gran preocupación y un sentimiento profundo de injusticia que recibimos informes de las acciones de su gobierno para desalojar la Confederación de Nacionalidades Indígenas del Ecuador (CONAIE) desde su sede en la Casa de la CONAIE en Quito.  La CONAIE es una organización hermana de larga trayectoria entre todos los Pueblos Originales de Abya Yala [América], y su sede central cumple un papel histórico e  importante para los pueblos indígenas, no solo en Ecuador, sino en todo el continente. No podemos aceptar el desalojo del hogar que han establecido después de 30 años de lucha por la justicia y la autodeterminación.

Nos solidarizamos con la CONAIE y exigimos la restitución inmediata de la Casa de la CONAIE con título completo y permanente como un acto positivo por su gobierno en el cumplimiento de los Derechos Humanos Internacionales de los Pueblos Indígenas en Ecuador.

Message to President Rafael Correa, Republic of Ecuador

President Rafael Correa,
Republic of Ecuador

It is with great concern and a profound sense of injustice that we receive reports of actions by your government to remove the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) from their headquarters in the Casa de CONAIE in Quito.  The CONAIE is a longstanding sister organization among all Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala [the Americas], and their headquarters fulfills a very real and important role for Indigenous Peoples not only in Ecuador but across the continent.  We cannot accept their removal from the home they have established after 30 years of struggle for justice and self-determination.

We stand in solidarity with CONAIE and call for immediate restitution of the Casa de CONAIE with full and permanent title as a positive act by your government in fulfillment of the International Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Ecuador.

CONAIE faces threat of eviction from headquarters in Quito, Ecuador

In 1990 a historic Indigenous Uprising took place in Ecuador that to this day continues to serve as reference and determinant for the cause of the Original Nations of Abya Yala [the Americas] in the struggle for Self Determination. A critical element of this struggle was the establishment in Quito, Ecuador of the headquarters of the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador -CONAIE.

Now, in spite of being elected with the perfume of a "leftist" political philosophy, the government of President Rafael Correa is threatening to REMOVE the CONAIE from their headquarters and continue a policy of subjugation and suppression of the Indigeneous Peoples of Ecuador to satisfy the economic interests the extractive industrial elites that rule Ecuador an ALL OF THE LATIN AMERICAN STATES from behind the oligarchies of colonialIsm, both Right and Left.
Press Release

"This building has defended democracy, it is a symbol of social and popular struggles. The CONAIE is the home of all, and we will not allow ourselves to be evicted."

Quito, Ecuador December 15 2014

On December 11 the government through the Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) notified the Confederation of IndigenousNationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE) the unilateral termination of the loan on the building which CONAIE has occupied for 30 years.

At a press conference today, together with national and regional indigenous leaders and representatives of other social organizations, the president of CONAIE Jorge Herrera stated the rejection by the indigenous movement to the termination of loan and order to vacate.

"Here is where the proposal for the new constitution was formulated, here is where life was given to the proposal of the Plurinational State. This building has defended democracy, it is a symbol of social and popular struggles. The CONAIE is the home of all, and we will not allow ourselves to be evicted, " said Jorge Herrera. 

This is an act characteristic of colonialism by of the government, which is an affront not only to the indigenous movement, but to all social organizations and popular movements, to whom this house belongs. This house corresponds to the CONAIE, and so we demand not only the reversal of the order of eviction, but that complete title is delivered to the organization. If the government can invest $45 million in UNASUR, there is no argument for the additional need of this infrastructure.

Nina Pacari, historical leader of the indigenous movement and former judge of the Constitutional Court expressed that:
"this is not about the loan, but an incoherency by a government that call itself a pluri-national state, while at the same time acting in political persecution of the indigenous peoples and popular sectors." She added: "The CONAIE is owner of this home, when we got it it only had a a dining room and we have built two floors, and made improvements to better to serve the people and organizations. "

The presentation of the headquarters of the CONAIE by the government, was part of the process of historic compensation. As a uni-national, exclusionary, and racist state, the national law of the nineties did not allow for delivery of the site as property and it was therefore agreed that consignment would be achieved as a loan. This juridical instrument was a formality, the house belongs to CONAIE, it is owned by the communities, by the Indigenous Peoples, and nationalities and peoples of Ecuador.

The former president of CONAIE, Humberto Cholango present at the press conference said that:
"If they take the house of CONAIE, they will be sorry because they will then have to give back later."
He continued by framing these actions by the governement of President Rafael Correa within the context of the violation of the rights of indigenous peoples in general, including the elimination of bilingual intercultural education and recognition for collective rights.

- The building has been in the possession of the indigenous movement since 1984, before the formal establishment of the CONAIE.
- The loan between the MIES and CONAIE is in effect until 2021.
- The CONAIE has built two additional stories within the building among other substantial improvements.

Department of Communication
Article by Marc Becker

12 diciembre 2014

 El predio que ocupa la CONAIE en la ciudad de Quito, la sede matriz de esta organización indígena, fue entregada hace ya 23 años en comodato por el gobierno de Rodrigo Borja, tras la lucha indígena de esa década. Esto en reconocimiento y valorando a la población que lucho por sus derechos. Hoy por un decreto emitido por el ministerio de inclusión económica, desalojan a la CONAIE, por ser de interés y de urgencia, para implementar un refugio para niños y adolescentes. Una vez más el gobierno atenta contra los indígenas, cuando en la carta magna se define al Ecuador como plurinacional y multiétnico. El informe desde la capital lo presenta Javier Aguilar.

Boletín de Prensa

“En este edificio se ha defendido la democracia, es un símbolo de las luchas sociales y populares. La CONAIE es la casa de todos, y no permitiremos que se nos desaloje.”

Quito, 15 de diciembre de 2014.-

El día 11 de diciembre el gobierno a través del MIES notificó a la CONAIE la terminación unilateral del comodato sobre el edificio que ocupa hace 30 años.

En rueda de prensa, acompañado de dirigentes indígenas nacionales y regionales, así como de representantes de otras organizaciones sociales, el presidente de la CONAIE Jorge Herrera expresó el rechazo del movimiento indígena a la terminación del comodato y orden de desalojar.  

“Aquí se construyó la propuesta de la nueva constitución, aquí se dio vida a la propuesta del Estado Plurinacional. En este edificio se ha defendido la democracia, es un símbolo de las luchas sociales y populares. La CONAIE es la casa de todos, y no permitiremos que se nos desaloje” – dijo Jorge Herrera.

Esta es una acción de carácter colonial por parte del gobierno, que afrenta no solamente al movimiento indígena, sino al conjunto de las organizaciones sociales y populares, a quien esta casa les pertenece. Esta casa corresponde a la CONAIE, por lo cual no solo exigimos que se dé marcha atrás con esta orden de desalojo, sino que se entregue los títulos de propiedad a la organización. Si se han invertido 45 millones de dólares en la UNASUR, no existe argumento de la necesidad de esta infraestructura.

Nina Pacari, dirigente histórica del movimiento indígena y ex jueza de la Corte Constitucional opinó que “esto no se trata del comodato, sino que es una incoherencia por parte de un Estado que se dice plurinacional, y expresa la persecución política de este gobierno a los pueblos indígenas y a los sectores populares” y agregó “la CONAIE es posesionaria de esta casa, la recibimos siendo solamente un comedor y hemos construido dos pisos, y hecho mejor para que sirva a los pueblos y las organizaciones.”

La entrega de la sede de la CONAIE, fue parte de la compensación histórica. Al haber un estado uninacional, excluyente, racista, la legislación de la década de los noventa no permitía la entrega en propiedad y es allí que se decidió la figura del comodato, esta forma jurídica fue eso una formalidad, la casa de la CONAIE, es propiedad de las comunidades, pueblos y nacionalidades y de los pueblos del Ecuador.

El ex presidente de la CONAIE, Humberto Cholango presente en la rueda de prensa expresó que “si nos quitan, arrepentidos nos tendrán que devolver”. Y enmarcó estas acciones en un proceso de agravio a los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, en la eliminación de la educación intercultural bilingüe y de los derechos colectivos.


-        El edificio está en posesión del movimiento indígena desde 1984, antes de la creación formal de la CONAIE.

-        El comodato entre el MIES y la CONAIE está en vigencia hasta el año 2021.

-        La CONAIE ha construido dos plantas del edificio entre otras mejoras sustanciales.

Departamento de Comunicación



Saturday, December 6, 2014

Architectures of the States and the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth

Architectures of the States
and the

Agreement of Principle and Purpose

Gathered at the Peoples Summit Against Climate Change in Lima, Peru and in full realization of the urgency for definitive action based on our mutually shared prerogatives as Peoples of Mother Earth, which include the Human Rights of the Future Generations, and in affirmation of our equally shared responsibilities to Mother Earth as kindred communities across the planet, we address the COP20 Summit and the entirely of Human Society to PROCLAIM:

The architectures of the States and their Agreements are insufficient, incompetent, and unrepresentative of our political will and our self determination as Peoples of Mother Earth to address the systemic causes of climate change with the necessary holistic and equitable approach that is necessary to avoid ecosystem collapse and TERRACIDE.

As Peoples of Mother Earth, we collectively determine to regenerate our relationships among ourselves within a Cultural Climate of Mutual Respect, Inclusion, Complementarity, and Self Determination beyond the existing constrains of the international systems of state sovereignty and in responsibility to the well being of the future generations;

Recognizing that unless this fundamental dimension of international relationships among human societies at the planetary level is first recognized, established and affirmed, there will be no sustainable progress in addressing effectively and in timely manner the Climate Chaos scenario that now befalls all of Humanity due to the impacts on Global Climate exacerbated greenhouse gas emissions by industrial society and extractive industries in particular in complicity with national government states and existing international monetary systems and institutions.

Therefore we proclaim and hereby reaffirm in collective Responsibility as Peoples of Mother Earth, in Equality with all Peoples, our collective Right of Representation and Self Determination in addressing the issues before the COP20 beyond the constraints of the architecture of the States and their agreements;

We further affirm and proclaim in Full, Effective, and Complete exercise of our equally shared Right of Self Determination as Peoples of Mother Earth, that our Sacred Mother Earth is subject of the Right of Self Determination beyond the limited juridical constraints of the Westphalian System of State Sovereignty represented in UN system and the international architectures of personality and procedures of negotiation and agreements; 

In fulfillment of our shared mandate of responsibilities to the Future Generations and taking DIRECT ACTION to realize the DECOLONIZATION of MOTHER EARTH,

We declare our INTERDEPENDENCE and Solidarity as Peoples of Mother Earth and call for the recognition, respect, and protection for the particular and integral constituencies of our Peoples of Mother Earth as represented in our responsibilities to the Watersheds, the Earth:Waters and Single Sea (hydrosphere) of the planet, beyond the disjointed and corrupt constraints of the Westphalian System of State Sovereignty represented in the UN system and the present international architectures of personality and procedures of negotiation and agreements;

Such principles of Recognition, Respect and Protection to then be instituted to address the corollary ecological responsibilities as inscribed in the climate issues of the inter-relationships of the Wind:Sun, namely Mother Earth's atmospheric and planetary energetic systems, both natural and technological, including greenhouse gas emissions.

In furtherance of which we affirm and now proclaim our mutual commitment to defend and protect the Territorial Integrity of Mother Earth as a fundamental tenet of International Law which integrates the Right of Self Determination of the Nations of Indigenous Peoples to intervene in the defense of Mother Earth and to take necessary corrective action in exercise of the right of Free, Prior and Informed Consent in defense of their territories and nations.

Embassy of Indigenous Peoples