Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Closing of the Intercultural University "Amawtay Wasi" in Ecuador

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The decommissioning of the Intercultural University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples "Amawtay Wasi " constitutes a violent assault on all the progress achieved ​​by the indigenous movement in Ecuador during recent times and throughout their struggles.

These regressive actions, manifested in the systematic closure of community schools, violate the rights of indigenous peoples; the Intercultural Bilingual Education System, in centralizing indigenous children in the so-called experimental "Millennium Schools" manifest  the disappearance of bilingual intercultural teaching institutes, nullifying the training of teachers with identity and intercultural perspective and; of course the final closing of the intercultural University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples "Amawtay Wasi" respond to this plan, because this institution of Nations and Peoples shares a formation from the diversity of knowledge and wisdom from the content and methodology of indigenous peoples, with the accompaniment of its thinkers and their commitment, critical of the standardization of the universality of science. This University is committed to recovering the epistemology of indigenous peoples, their community system as an alternative proposal to the crisis of civilization in the western world and its economic model.
It is paradoxical  that the Intercultural University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples "Amawtay Wasi" is closed, but at the same time four Eurocentric and colonialist universities are created, one of them with a plagiarized indigenous name. The purpose of these schools is to revive the neo-indigenismo of the 1950s, which means essentially the re-colonization of Nationalities and Indigenous peoples and their cultural, economic, social and political assimilation, and their dismantling and disappearance as diverse first Nations. This means ethnocide through the imposition of the liberal project of individual citizenship, to convert them to fringe elements of the consumer society, against the "threat" of thought and the ancient community life that persists to this day. It is a clear demonstration of discriminatory and racist action that comes from hatred and intolerance towards the indigenous movement and its members.

We are aware that a supposed "evaluation" was used as a technical pretext to argue that the score required for continuity was not reached. However, it is necessary to know if the evaluation assessment model included minimum standards and criteria for the evaluation of intercultural perspectives, and "technicians” with academic experience and knowledge of research on inter-culturalism, or if the same assessment tools that were used that apply only to classical Western-style universities.
 Therefore we demand the immediate review and opening of the Intercultural University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples "Amawtay Wasi", and its normal operation in accordance with the rights of indigenous peoples contained in the Constitution of the Republic, and international standards guaranteeing the fundamental rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The State is obligated to ensure the functioning of the University allocating the budget to meet the requirements according to the plans and programs as well as academic staff from the Nationalities and Peoples in accordance with the provisions of the ILO Convention 169 ILO, that states in Article 27 paragraph 1 "In addition, governments shall recognize the right of these peoples to establish their own educational institutions and facilities , provided that such institutions meet minimum standards established by the competent authority in consultation with these peoples. Appropriate resources shall be provided for this purpose." Similarly the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Article 14 provides: "Indigenous peoples have the right to establish and control their educational systems and institutions providing education in their own languages, consistent with their cultural methods of teaching and learning".  The Intercultural University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples "Amawtay Wasi " has become a reference and example in the educational experience and academic process for the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and the world.

For these reasons we demand that the respective Ecuadoran institutions immediately resume the academic activities of the Intercultural University of Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples "Amawtay Wasi" that is by right theirs as Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples within a Plurinational and Intercultural State, and the respect merited by indigenous communities as well as national and international society.

Quito, Ecuador, November 22, 2013

Save the Intercultural University of Indígenous Peoples "Amawtay Wasi"

To be delivered to:
Martha Tabares, Interamerican Commission of Human Rights

Pluriversidad Indígena Amawtay Wasi: PRESENTE!

For more information on Amawtay Wasi

Embassy of Indigenous Peoples

a TONATIERRA project



El cierre definitivo de la Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas "Amawtay Wasi", constituye una agresión violenta a todos los espacios logrados por el movimiento indígena del Ecuador a través de sus luchas en el transcurso de los últimos tiempos.

Estas acciones regresivas que violentan los derechos de los pueblos indígenas se manifiestan en el cierre sistemático de las escuelas comunitarias de lo que aún queda del Sistema de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe para centralizar a los niños indígenas en las llamadas "Escuelas del milenio" que es un experimento; la desaparición de los institutos pedagógicos interculturales bilingües para anular la formación de docentes con identidad  y perspectiva intercultural y; por supuesto el cierre definitivo de la Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas “Amawtay Wasi”, responde a este plan, porque esta institución de las Naciones y Pueblos comparte una formación a partir de la diversidad de saberes y conocimientos, desde los contenidos y metodologías  de los pueblos indígenas, con el acompañamiento de sus pensadores y sus sabidurías comprometidos y críticos a la homogenización y universalidad  de las ciencias.  Esta Universidad está comprometida a recuperar la epistemología de los pueblos originarios, su sistema comunitario,  como una propuesta alternativa frente a la crisis civilizatoria que vive el mundo occidental y su modelo económico.

Resulta ser paradójico, le cierran la Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas “Amawtay Wasi”, pero al mismo tiempo crean cuatro universidades de corte eurocéntrico y colonial, uno de ellos plagiado con nombre indígena. El objetivo de estas universidades es revivir el neoindigenismo de los años 50, lo que significa en esencia la recolonización de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos indígenas, la asimilación cultural, económica,  social y política,  el desmantelamiento y desaparición como naciones diversas y originarias.  Este hecho significa el etnocidio, a través de la imposición del proyecto liberal de ciudadanía individual, para convertirlos en elementos marginales de la sociedad de consumo, frente a la "amenaza" del pensamiento y la vivencia comunitaria milenaria que persiste hasta el momento.  Es una clara demostración de una acción discriminatoria y racista que proviene del odio e intolerancia hacia el movimiento indígena y sus miembros.
Tenemos conocimiento que se usó una supuesta "evaluación" como pretexto técnico para argumentar que no se alcanzó el puntaje requerido para su continuidad. Sin embargo, es necesario saber si el modelo de evaluación contempló parámetros mínimos y criterios con perspectivas interculturales para su evaluación, "técnicos"  con experiencia académica y conocimientos sobre investigación en materia de interculturalidad, o se usaron los mismos instrumentos de evaluación que se aplican a las Universidades clásicas de corte occidental.

En consecuencia, exigimos la inmediata revisión y apertura de la Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas “Amawtay Wasi”,  y  su normal funcionamiento en cumplimiento de sus objetivos propuestos, de conformidad a los derechos de los pueblos indígenas contemplados en la Constitución de la República, normas internacionales que garantizan los derechos fundamentales de los Pueblos Indígenas.
El Estado está en la obligación de garantizar el funcionamiento de la Universidad asignando el presupuesto correspondiente para cubrir los requerimientos de acuerdo a los planes y programas, así como  la organización académica desde las Nacionalidades y Pueblos de conformidad a lo establecido en el Convenio 169 de la OIT que dispone, Art. 27 numeral 1 “Además, los gobiernos deberán reconocer el derecho de esos pueblos a crear sus propias instituciones y medios de educación, siempre que tales instituciones satisfagan las normas mínimas establecidas por la autoridad competente en consulta con esos pueblos.  Deberán facilitárseles recursos apropiados con tal fin”.  Del mismo modo, la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas en el Art. 14 dispone:
“Los pueblos indígenas tienen derecho a establecer y controlar sus sistemas e instituciones docentes que impartan educación en sus propios idiomas, en consonancia con sus métodos culturales de enseñanza y aprendizaje” y; porque la Universidad Intercultural de las Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas “Amawtay Wasi”,  se ha constituido en un referente y ejemplo en la experiencia educativa y el proceso académico para los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y el mundo.
Por lo que exigimos a las instituciones respectivas del Estado ecuatoriano el reinicio inmediato de las actividades académicas de la Universidad Intercultural de las  Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas “Amawtay Wasi”, que por derecho les corresponde como Nacionalidades y Pueblos Indígenas dentro  de un Estado Plurinacional e intercultural y por respeto que se merecen las comunidades indígenas y la sociedad nacional e internacional en general.  

Quito, Ecuador, 22 de noviembre del año  2013.

Salvar a la Universidad Intercultural de Pueblos Indígenas Amawtay Wasi

Para ser entregada a:
Martha Tabares en la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos

Friday, December 13, 2013

Ignorance Disguised as Legalization of Empire: NO MORE!

Today we stand together in Ceremonial Solidarity as a Continental Indigenous Movement of Abya Yala to remind the government states of the Americas that yes, they may be states of status within the UN system, within the system of the Organization of American States, within the International Monetary System, within each and every one of the States of Colonialism, but it is WE, the ORIGINATIONS of ABYA YALA who remain the NATIONS of Indigenous Peoples of the continent and the Natural World across the entire planet.

As Nations, we have TREATIES with your states.  As states, you have TREATIES with our NATIONS, and our CONFEDERATIONS OF NATIONS.  These mutual TREATY RIGHTS and obligations must be fulfilled in good faith.  And further, since the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on September 13, 2007, which confirms that: “Indigenous Peoples are EQUAL to all other Peoples”, WE MUST DEMAND ONCE AGAIN that our TREATIES be integrated into the CORPUS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW as TREATIES EQUAL TO ALL OTHER TREATIES.  As INTERNATIONAL TREATIES, the venues to address TREATY ISSUES must be competent to address the international scope of the issues, one that is competent in jurisdiction - namely an INTERNATIONAL VENUE. 

Yet unless such a venue has as fundamental element the OFFICIAL ARCHIVE of the Treaties in Question, not merely as a set of DOMESTIC AGREEMENTS between government states and Indigenous Populations, but as TREATIES between Nations and States, the process will not produce justice as an outcome.  Therefore, it is essential that the need for an official Treaty Archive of Indigenous Treaties within the UN system itself be addressed as a fundamental FIRST STEP to address the common concerns.

V Continental Summit of Indigenous Nations and Pueblos - Cauca [Colombia] 2013


Sub-Commission on Prevention of
Discrimination and Protection
of Minorities
Fifty-first session

Study on treaties, agreements and other constructive arrangements between States and indigenous populations
Final report by Miguel Alfonso Martínez, Special Rapporteur

Database 'HuriDocDa', View 'AllSymbols', Document 'Final report by Miguel Alfonso Martínez,', Anchor 'Introduction'
1 - 33

Database 'HuriDocDa', View 'AllSymbols', Document 'Final report by Miguel Alfonso Martínez,', Anchor 'I.SOME KEY P'
34 - 92

Database 'HuriDocDa', View 'AllSymbols', Document 'Final report by Miguel Alfonso Martínez,', Anchor 'II.SUMMARY O'
93 - 167

Database 'HuriDocDa', View 'AllSymbols', Document 'Final report by Miguel Alfonso Martínez,', Anchor 'A.'
      A. Treaties/agreements between indigenous peoples and States
108 - 127
Database 'HuriDocDa', View 'AllSymbols', Document 'Final report by Miguel Alfonso Martínez,', Anchor 'B.'
      B. Other constructive arrangements
128 - 146
Database 'HuriDocDa', View 'AllSymbols', Document 'Final report by Miguel Alfonso Martínez,', Anchor 'C.'
      C. Situations lacking specific bilateral legal instruments to govern relations between indigenous peoples and States
147 - 167

Database 'HuriDocDa', View 'AllSymbols', Document 'indigenous people', Anchor 'III.'
168 - 244

Database 'HuriDocDa', View 'AllSymbols', Document 'indigenous people', Anchor 'IV.'
245 - 322