Thursday, January 24, 2013

Letter of Solidarity to Idle No More and Chief Spence

Sisters and Brothers of the First Nations of Abya Yala and the World: the attainment and exercise of our rights, and upholding all our collective existence has been, and is, to the present time product of our own struggles, the suffering of our peoples, under the blood and sacrifice of thousands of lives of our people. This history is not over, the force of  our resistance persists and we continue to fight to establish a culture of life in the world, until we restore ethical and moral relations between human beings, our communities and with our Mother Nature.

This is the cause that deternines the struggles of our peoples, as our sisters and brothers in Canada, the Indigenous Movement IDLE NO MORE, and that has been given impulse by the Chief Theresa Spence, a struggle that is expressed with a hunger strike near the Capitol Hill in Ottawa, befginning on December 11, 2012. We extend our forces and energies to those struggles that bind us to this cause as have done the sisters and brothers from TONATIERRA in Phoenix Arizona, who are in permanent mobilization.
It's time to show the world our strength in Continental Unity and global siolidarity so that our proposals for life and regeneration become reality. The XXI century is exposed as the time of the most heinous and violent colonial presence and industrial model of exploitation in degeneration against all existence and life.

In this context, our struggles continue, in the South, Central and North Abya Yala, as we navigate through moments of genuine dispute of thought, and cognition:  the war between two paradigms: the predator model of the Western Intellect and the indigenous model of Abya Yala community life.
Our solidarity with these struggles is our legacy, struggles of our Indigenous Peoples which are not only legitimate but just.  May the energies and spirits of our ancestors guide us always.
Community: ICCI-Rimanakuy Ecuador


Hermanas y Hermanos de las Naciones Originarias de Abya Yala y del Mundo: la consecución y el ejercicio de nuestros derechos, y la defensa de todas las existencias ha sido, y es, hasta los momentos actuales producto de nuestras propias luchas, sobre el sufrimiento de nuestros pueblos, bajo la sangre y sacrificio de miles de vidas humanas de nuestra gente.  Esta historia aún no termina, la fuerza de la resistencia aún persiste y lucharemos hasta instaurar la cultura de la vida en el mundo, hasta cuando restauremos las relaciones éticas y morales entre los seres humanos, y la comunidad  con nuestra Madre Naturaleza.

Son estas causas las que animan las luchas de nuestros Pueblos, como las hermanas y hermanos en Canadá, el Movimiento Indígena IDLE NO MORE, y que ha sido impulsada por la Jefa Theresa Spence, lucha que se expresa con una huelga de hambre, cerca del Capitolio en Otawa, desde el 11 de Diciembre del 2012. Extendemos nuestras fuerzas y energías a otras luchas que se unen a esta causa como  las hermanas y hermanos de TONATIERRA en Phoenix Arizona, que se encuentran en movilización permanente.
Es el momento de demostrar al mundo nuestra férrea unidad Continental y mundial, para que nuestras propuestas de la reconstrucción de la vida sea una realidad. El siglo XXI se expresa como el momento más atroz y violento de la presencia colonial y la recomposición del modelo de explotación en contra de toda la existencia y la vida.

Bajo este contexto, nuestras luchas continúan, en el Sur, Centro y Norte de Abya Yala, pues atravesamos momentos de una verdadera disputa de pensamiento, la guerra de dos paradigmas: el modelo depredador de Occidente y el modelo de vida comunitaria de Abya Yala.
Nuestra solidaridad con todas estas luchas, las luchas de nuestras Pueblos que son, no solo justas sino legítimas que la historia nos ha legado. Que las energías y los espíritus de nuestros antepasados nos guie siempre.   
Comunidad: ICCI-Rimanakuy , Ecuador


Luis Macas, Instituto de Ciencia y Cultura Indigens
Hermanas y Hermanos de las Naciones Originarias de Abya Yala y del Mundo: la consecución y el ejercicio de nuestros derechos, y la defensa de todas las existencias ha sido, y es, hasta los momentos actuales producto de nuestras propias luchas, sobre el sufrimiento de nuestros pueblos, bajo la sangre y sacrificio de miles de vidas humanas de nuestra gente.  Esta historia aún no termina, la fuerza de la resistencia aún persiste y lucharemos hasta instaurar la cultura de la vida en el mundo, hasta cuando restauremos las relaciones éticas y morales entre los seres humanos, y la comunidad  con nuestra Madre Naturaleza.

Son estas causas las que animan las luchas de nuestros Pueblos, como las hermanas y hermanos en Canadá, el Movimiento Indígena IDLE NO MORE, y que ha sido impulsada por la Jefa Theresa Spence, lucha que se expresa con una huelga de hambre, cerca del Capitolio en Otawa, desde el 11 de Diciembre del 2012. Extendemos nuestras fuerzas y energías a otras luchas que se unen a esta causa como  las hermanas y hermanos de TONATIERRA en Phoenix Arizona, que se encuentran en movilización permanente.

Es el momento de demostrar al mundo nuestra férrea unidad Continental y mundial, para que nuestras propuestas de la reconstrucción de la vida sea una realidad. El siglo XXI se expresa como el momento más atroz y violento de la presencia colonial y la recomposición del modelo de explotación en contra de toda la existencia y la vida.

Bajo este contexto, nuestras luchas continúan, en el Sur, Centro y Norte de Abya Yala, pues atravesamos momentos de una verdadera disputa de pensamiento, la guerra de dos paradigmas: el modelo depredador de Occidente y el modelo de vida comunitaria de Abya Yala.

Nuestra solidaridad con todas estas luchas, las luchas de nuestras Pueblos que son, no solo justas sino legítimas que la historia nos ha legado. Que las energías y los espíritus de nuestros antepasados nos guie siempre.   

Luis Macas
Comunidad: ICCI-Rimanakuy , Ecuador

Sisters and Brothers of the First Nations of Abya Yala and the World: the attainment and exercise of our rights, and upholding all our collective existence has been, and is, to the present time product of our own struggles, the suffering of our peoples, under the blood and sacrifice of thousands of lives of our people. This history is not over, the force of  our resistance persists and we continue to fight to establish a culture of life in the world, until we restore ethical and moral relations between human beings, our communities and with our Mother Nature.

This is the cause that deternines the struggles of our peoples, as our sisters and brothers in Canada, the Indigenous Movement IDLE NO MORE, and that has been given impulse by the Chief Theresa Spence, a struggle that is expressed with a hunger strike near the Capitol Hill in Ottawa, befginning on December 11, 2012. We extend our forces and energies to those struggles that bind us to this cause as have done the sisters and brothers from TONATIERRA in Phoenix Arizona, who are in permanent mobilization.
It's time to show the world our strength in Continental Unity and global siolidarity so that our proposals for life and regeneration become reality. The XXI century is exposed as the time of the most heinous and violent colonial presence and industrial model of exploitation in degeneration against all existence and life.

In this context, our struggles continue, in the South, Central and North Abya Yala, as we navigate through moments of genuine dispute of thought, and cognition:  the war between two paradigms: the predator model of the Western Intellect and the indigenous model of Abya Yala community life.
Our solidarity with these struggles is our legacy, struggles of our Indigenous Peoples which are not only legitimate but just.  May the energies and spirits of our ancestors guide us always.

Luis Macas,
Community: ICCI-Rimanakuy Ecuador

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Continental Indigenous Peoples Solidarity

Phoenix, Arizona
January 9, 2013

At the First Continental Indigenous Encounter that took place in Quito, Ecuador in 1990 it was Rose Augér, of the Cree Nation who brought the ceremonial message of the Sacred Fire which illuminated the path of continental indigenous solidarity, vision, and spirit to that historic event over twenty years ago.  Today once again it is another indigenous woman of the north - Theresa Spence, Chief of Attawapiskat who has ignited a new phase of an ancient cause, one that goes back to our ancestral responsibilities as Nations of Indigenous Peoples, OrigiNations of the Natural World.  We are called upon once again to defend our Nationhood and our Sacred Mother Earth.

Today we stand together in Ceremonial Solidarity as a Continental Indigenous Movement of Abya Yala to remind the government states of the Americas that yes, they may be states of status within the UN system, within the system of the Organization of American States, within the International Monetary System, within each and every one of the States of Colonialism, but it is WE, the ORIGINATIONS of ABYA YALA who remain the NATIONS of Indigenous Peoples of the continent and the Natural World across the entire planet.

As Nations, we have TREATIES with your states.  As states, you have TREATIES with our NATIONS, and our CONFEDERATIONS OF NATIONS.  These mutual TREATY RIGHTS and obligations must be fulfilled in good faith.  And further, since the adoption of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on September 13, 2007, which confirms that: “Indigenous Peoples are EQUAL to all other Peoples”, WE MUST DEMAND ONCE AGAIN that our TREATIES be integrated into the CORPUS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW as TREATIES EQUAL TO ALL OTHER TREATIES.  As INTERNATIONAL TREATIES, the venues to address TREATY ISSUES must be competent to address the international scope of the issues, one that is competent in jurisdiction - namely an INTERNATIONAL VENUE. 

Yet unless such a venue has as fundamental element the OFFICIAL ARCHIVE of the Treaties in Question, not merely as a set of DOMESTIC AGREEMENTS between government states and Indigenous Populations, but as TREATIES between Nations and States, the process will not produce justice as an outcome.  Therefore, it is essential that the need for an official Treaty Archive of Indigenous Treaties within the UN system itself be addressed as a fundamental FIRST STEP to address the common concerns.

Continental Confederation of the Eagle and Condor

The delegation that travelled to Quito, Ecuador in 1990 and participated in the First Continental Encounter of Indigenous Nations, Pueblos, and Organizations included members of the O’otham and Opata Nations, Aztecas and Chichimecas, and many others from across the entire hemisphere.  Since then to now we have not been idle.  The Fifth Continental Indigenous Summit of Abya Yala is now in planning, to take place in Colombia.  We join again now with efforts of the Indigenous Nations from North to South, from coast to coast in Continental Ceremonial Solidarity towards the realization of full Self-Determination of our Nations of Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala.

Decolonize: NOW!

The Law of Exceptions
NAFTA and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Open Letter to the Ministers of State and Public Constituencies of Canada-US-Mexico
Declaration of Quito 1990