Friday, May 27, 2011

Archive of Abya Yala

"Without memory, a movement leaves no history"

of the
Continental Indigenous Movement
1990 - 2010
First Continental Encounter 1900: Quito, Ecuador
Second Continental Encounter: Temoaya, Mexico 1993
First Continental Indigenous Summit: Teotihuacan, Mexico 2000
Second Continental Summit Abya Yala: Quito, Ecuador 2004
Continental Summit of Mar De Plata, Argentina: 2005
Third Continental Summit Abya Yala: Iximche, Guatemala 2007
Fourth Continental Summit Abya Yala: Puno, Pero 2009

Declaration of Titijaja 

May 30, 2009

IV Continental Indigenous Summit Abya Yala

Unites Indigenous Decolonization Movement


In contrast, President Evo Morales of Plurinational State of Bolivia sent a message of greetings and solidarity to the IV Indigenous Summit Abya Yala, saying:

“We should not forget that for the liberation of our peoples, we must recognize that the land does not belong to us; instead we belong to the land.”

Speaking from the unique position of a president of a recognized republic, a member state of both the OAS and the United Nations, the statement read in its entirety to the opening assembly of the summit also framed one of the boldest, and ambitious goals of the movement given expression by the IV Summit Abya Yala. In his opening remarks at the inaugural ceremony, Miguel Palacin of the Coordinating body of Indigenous Organization stated that the path of the Indigenous Peoples of Abya Yala was to join in confederation with all other indigenous peoples of the planet with the purpose of constructing an alternative parallel structure of global governance to the UN system. The activities of the IV Summit Abya Yala for the next two days are intended to allow for discussion and dialogue on the challenges of such a global initiative: the plan to save Mother Earth.

Pictures from IV Summit Abya Yala
IV Summit Abya Yala
Archive of Abya Yala

Embassy of Indigenous Peoples